Coronavirus: these countries wishing to gradually lift confinement

Published by · Published on April 10, 2020 at 02:13 p.m.
Italy, Austria, Germany… Some countries are thinking about lifting confinement even though it’s not planned for tomorrow. Among the strategies studied, many countries consider gradual deconfinement.

This is an issue more and more talked about lately: how to lift confinement? Well, deconfinement is not planned for tomorrow or any time soon, governments are currently studying this delicate question because the goal is to avoid all risk of a new propagation of the epidemic. In France, several ideas are being studied such as deconfinement by group of age or region. In neighboring European countries, deconfinement on a gradual basis is being considered.

In Italy, if the evolution of the pandemic doesn’t change, the deconfinement phase is said to start this May 16th. Health Minister spoke about a 5-step deconfinement strategy including facemask-wearing will be mandatory to all, social distancing sustained, and hospitals will be devoted to Covid-19.

The first activities said to resume normally are supermarkets and pharmacies. The number of clients would be limited, bars, restaurants and night clubs will reopen the last. As well as in Austria where stores will gradually reopen following the gradual deconfinement strategy. Yet, facemask wearing will remain mandatory in supermarkets and in public transit. Too risky, big gatherings are banned until June.

In Germany the government speaks about the likely reopening of schools in some regions. Stores will reopen while sustaining social distancing. Moreover, boarder controls will be softened. But like in Italy or Austria, facemask wearing will surely become mandatory and gatherings are the last to be allowed again.

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