Heritage Days 2024 in Provins (77): tours and events in a medieval city

Published by Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis · Photos by Laurent de Sortiraparis · Published on July 22, 2024 at 11:04 a.m.
During the Journées du Patrimoine 2024, what would you say to an immersion in the heart of the Middle Ages? In Seine-et-Marne, the town of Provins and its medieval city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, unveils its program of visits and events for the weekend of September 21 and 22, 2024.

The Journées du Patrimoine is one of the highlights of September. This cultural event, which takes place all over Europe, invites us to enjoy a wide range of original visits and activities for all ages. In many cases, the program is free of charge, making it an unmissable event. For the occasion, many monuments and institutions lend themselves to the game: museums, castles, gardens, churches, and even places usually closed to the public. An original way to rediscover our cultural heritage in a different way!

Visuels ProvinsVisuels ProvinsVisuels ProvinsVisuels Provins

The event is sure to attract art and history enthusiasts as well as the curious thirsty for discovery. For the 41st edition, scheduled for September 21 and 22, 2024, Paris and the whole of the Île-de-France region are the playground for explorers eager for new experiences. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to step back in time and immerse yourself in the treasures of the Paris region's heritage?

Provins, cité médiévale - IMG 4648Provins, cité médiévale - IMG 4648Provins, cité médiévale - IMG 4648Provins, cité médiévale - IMG 4648 Provins, Île-de-France's largest medieval city, with many treasures to discover
In Seine-et-Marne, just a few kilometers from the capital, lies the medieval town of Provins, a testimony to its trading past and lively fairs. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this town straight out of the Middle Ages is brimming with historical treasures, from the Tour César to its rose-based culinary specialties, not to mention its imposing ramparts! [Read more]

The town of Provins, in the Seine-et-Marne region of France, is well worth a visit. Here, you'll be immersed in the Middle Ages as you stroll through the medieval city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Behind the high ramparts, you'll experience a real leap back in time as you stroll through the cobbled streets, where monuments, shops and gourmet addresses follow one another. For the Journées du Patrimoine 2024, Provins is offering a rich program of exciting tours for young and old alike! Whether you're with family, friends, lovers or alone, this amazing medieval city is sure to make your weekend... historic weekend!

The 2024 Heritage Days program in Provins, Seine-et-Marne

Heritage Days 2024 at the Fonds Ancien, Provins municipal library

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.

Heritage Days 2024 at the Caveau du Saint-Esprit in Provins

  • Self-guided tour of the Caveau du Saint-Esprit
    September 21 and 22

    Visit the vaulted lower hall (12th century) of the former Hôpital du Saint-Esprit, founded in 1177 by Henri le Libéral, Count of Champagne.

  • Plays and fables by Compagnie du Dragon et de la Lézarde
    September 21 and 22

    The "Compagnie du Dragon et de la Lézarde" brings the monument to life with excerpts from plays ranging from Feydeau to Courteline, Shakespeare with a dash of Sophocles, a pinch of Molière, not forgetting the poems of Jean de la Fontaine, Jacques Prévert, Paul Eluard and Gérard Narval, the rhymes of Grand Corps Malade and the prose of Coline Serreau and Sacha Guitry.

Heritage Days 2024 at the Saint-Quiriace collegiate church in Provins

  • Self-guided tour of the collegiate church of Saint-Quiriace
    September 21 and 22

    Take a free tour of this ancient collegiate church (12th-17th c.), a building with a very ambitious initial plan, continued in the 13th century but never completed; in the 17th century, it was endowed with a cupola; until the Revolution, it housed a large and influential chapter. Joan of Arc passed through on her way back from the coronation of Charles VII. Restored in 2021, the former chapter house has regained its original volume and medieval painted decor.

  • Presentations of the 19th-century choir organ in the collegiate church of Saint Quiriace
    September 21 and 22

    Presentations of the choir organ (19th c.), by the organists and the association "Les Orgues de Provins".

Heritage Days 2024 at the Provins archaeological dig site

  • Medieval archaeology
    September 21 and 22

    Learn more about archaeology and medieval archaeology in Seine-et-Marne from our archaeologists.

  • Site of the former Champbenoist Abbey
    September 21 and 22

    Discover the history of Champbenoist Abbey from the 12th to the 21st century, and how archaeology is revealing new information about the site!

  • Archaeological dig - The former Benedictine abbey of Champbenoist
    September 21 and 22

    Exceptional opening of the site of the former Benedictine abbey of Champbenoist (12th-16th centuries), owned by the Département.
    Presentation of the initial results of archaeological research undertaken by Anne Nissen, professor of medieval archaeology at the Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne, with her students, as part of the project to restore and enhance the remains supported by the State, the Département and the town of Provins.
    Activities by the Arkéomédia association.

  • Archaeozoology" and "Master builder" discovery workshops
    September 21 and 22

    For our curious youngsters, learn about archaeozoology and medieval architecture through fun experiments!
    In partnership with ArkéoMédia!
    Information at patrimoine-cd77@departement77.fr, Monday to Friday.

Heritage Days 2024 at Saint-Ayoul church in Provins

  • Self-guided tour of Saint-Ayoul church
    September 21 and 22

    Self-guided tours of the fully restored nave and aisles (12th-16th c.); high altar, side altars and 17th-century woodwork classified as historic monuments; stained glass windows by Gilles Rousvoal.

  • Presentation of the great organs at Saint-Ayoul church
    September 21 and 22

    The organ at Provins' Sait-Ayoul church was built for the Jouy abbey in 1777 and transferred to Saint-Ayoul in 1792. Unfortunately, historical documentation is very incomplete, and to this day the identity of the organ builder who built the instrument is unknown. The organ has undergone various alterations over the course of its history, but has not been fundamentally altered, as it still contains a high proportion of material dating back to the Ancien Régime. An analysis of this material reveals that the instrument was first transformed, probably when it was transferred to Provins in 1792. The earliest known composition of the stops (1928) indicates that the organ was also transformed in style, probably during the second half of the 19th century, and fitted with Romantic stops: in addition to raising the pitch by one tone, the instrument's pipes bear stigmata proving that their harmony was altered by partial notching of the timbre and the addition of teeth on the bevels. A third significant intervention was carried out by Jules Bossier in 1947. The latest restoration, carried out in 1982 by Ets Benoist et Sarélot, reoriented the instrument towards the classical French style.

Heritage Days 2024 at the Gange aux Dimes in Provins

  • Audio-guided tour of the Grange aux Dîmes
    September 21 and 22

    This former 12th-century merchant's house is one of the finest in Provins. Admire the refined architecture of the rooms, with their carved capitals and ribbed vaults. Until the end of the 13th century, it was used as a covered market during fairs, then as a tithe warehouse from the 14th century onwards. Today, the house features a "Provins at the time of the Champagne Fairs" theme, with reconstructions evoking the merchants and trade guilds of the period.

Heritage Days 2024 at the Lycée Thibaut de Champagne, former palace of the Counts of Champagne and Brie in Provins

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.

Heritage Days 2024 at the Musée de Provins et du Provinois

  • Harpsichord recital by Bertrand Cuiller in partnership with the association "Les orgues de Provins" (Works by Johann Sebastian Bach)
    Friday, September 20, 8:00 pm

    Harpsichord recital by Bertrand Cuiller in partnership with the association "Les orgues de Provins". (Works by Johann Sebastian Bach) - Free participation in aid of the restoration of the Provins organs.

  • Self-guided tour of the permanent collections of the Musée de Provins et du Provinois
    September 21 and 22

    The Musée de Provins et du Provinois is housed in the Maison romane (listed as a historic monument), one of the town's oldest civil buildings. Its facade and lower hall date back to the 12th century. Spread over four levels and a dozen rooms, the collections of the town and the Provins district historical and archaeological society retrace the history of Provins and its region from prehistory to the eve of the First World War.

  • Conference "Une messe pour un tisserand: les habitants de Provins au Moyen Age tardif" (A mass for a weaver: the inhabitants of Provins in the late Middle Ages)
    Sunday, September 22, 3:00 pm

    Columbia University / Ville de Provins seminar:
    - Lecture by Alana Kilcoyne, PhD student in English and Comparative Literature, and Stephanie Reitzig, PhD student in History: "Une messe pour un tisserand" : les habitants de Provins au Moyen Age tardif, vus d'un manuscrit de l'église de Sainte-Croix.

  • "The reorganization of manuscript 229 from the Bibliothèque municipale de Provins: revisions and repairs to a medieval liturgical book".
    Sunday, September 22, 3:45pm

    Columbia University / Ville de Provins seminar:
    - Lecture by Katherine Briant, doctoral student in comparative literature: La réorganisation du manuscrit 229 de la Bibliothèque municipale de Provins : révisions et réparations d'un livre liturgique médiéval .

Heritage Days 2024 at the Priory of the Benedictines of Saint-Ayoul in Provins

  • Audio-guided tour of the Benedictine priory of Saint-Ayoul
    September 21 and 22

    Audio tour ("Provins Tourisme") of the fully restored cloister, chapter house, south chapel, Benedictine chapel and lantern tower (11th-18th centuries). The tour will be rounded off with a presentation of the stained glass windows by visual artist Udo Zembok.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From September 21, 2024 to September 22, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    77160 Provins
    77160 Provins

    Route planner

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    Official website
