Directed by Nash Edgerton, Gringo blends action and comedy in an explosive and unpredictable cocktail. The film follows the misadventures of David Oyelowo as Harold, a model employee trapped at the heart of a plot between a Mexican cartel and his unscrupulous employers, played by Joel Edgerton and Charlize Theron. With a quirky tone, a prestigious cast and a plot combining betrayal, pursuit and dark humor, Gringo promises a thrilling adventure full of surprises.
Gringo will be broadcast on Prime Video from December 1, 2024.
Synopsis: Harold Soyinka works for a pharmaceutical group run by Elaine Markinson and Richard Rusk. When they decide to enter the lucrative medical cannabis business, they send Harold to Mexico to launch their new production plant. Unaware that the company he represents has betrayed a dangerous local cartel, the model employee narrowly escapes kidnapping. Lost in the depths of Mexico, realizing that his bosses have a vested interest in his disappearance, hunted by cartel killers and a ruthless mercenary, Harold must rely on himself if he is to stay alive.
Gringo is aimed at audiences who enjoy wackyaction comedies, where absurdity meets adrenalin. Fans of films like Very Bad Trip or Game Night will appreciate the dark humor and outrageous situations. Audiences with a taste for biting plots set against a backdrop of social criticism - in this case, greed and manipulation in the workplace - will also find something to their liking.
However, the film may confuse those who prefer more realistic narratives or more subtle humor. Its exuberant tone and frenetic pace make it the perfect entertainment for those looking for a mix of lightness and action.
Director Nash Edgerton, brother of Joel Edgerton, demonstrates his versatility as a cinematographer and former professional stuntman. His talents are reflected in the film's dynamic action sequences. Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's daughter, also makes her film debut here, making a remarkable appearance.
The main character, played by David Oyelowo, has been rewritten to reflect his Nigerian origins, adding a cultural dimension to the role. Charlize Theron's performance as an unscrupulous boss adds a touch of irreverence and bite to this explosive comedy.
With its renowned cast, breathtaking action scenes and acidic humor, Gringo is an action-comedy that stops at nothing to entertain. It's the perfect film for fans of wild and electrifying stories, where survival becomes an adventure full of twists and turns.
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Dates and Opening Time
Starts December 1, 2024
Official website