Directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, Alita: Battle Angel is an adaptation of Yukito Kishiro 'smanga Gunnm. Released in cinemas on February 13, 2019, this film skilfully blends action, science fiction and groundbreaking special effects. Rosa Salazar stars as Alita, an amnesiac cyborg with exceptional fighting skills, who tries to discover her past in a futuristic world where humans live side by side with machines. Strongly supported by Cameron, known for blockbusters such as Avatar, Alita: Battle Angel is an ambitious project that redefines the limits of cinematic technology.
Alita: Battle Angel is on Netflix from November 7, 2024 and on Prime Video from October 1, 2024.
Synopsis: When Alita wakes up with no memory of who she is, in a future she doesn't recognize, she's greeted by Ido, a doctor who understands that behind this abandoned cyborg body lies a young woman with an extraordinary past. It's only when the dangerous and corrupt forces that run Iron City come after her that Alita discovers the key to her past - she has unique fighting abilities, which those in power are desperate to master. If she can escape them, she could save her friends, her family and the world she's grown to love.
In the distant future, Alita, a cyborg found in a garbage dump by Dr. Ido (played by Christoph Waltz), wakes up with no memory of her past. Taken in by this benevolent doctor, she gradually discovers that she possesses extraordinary fighting abilities, the legacy of a mysterious past that the corrupt authorities ofIron City are trying to control.
As Alita attempts to regain her memories, she finds herself embroiled in a conflict that forces her to choose between fleeing or fighting to protect those she loves. As enemy forces close in, she must use her unique skills to thwart their plans and reveal the truth about her origins, which could change the fate of all humanity.
Alita: Battle Angel will appeal to fans of science fiction,action and spectacular special effects. With a heroine both touching and powerful, this feature film captures the attention of fans from all walks of life, whether they're drawn to digital animation or dystopian tales. Audiences who have enjoyed films such as Matrix, Ghost in the Shell or Avatar should appreciate this visual and emotional fresco, which combines intense action scenes with a plot driven by questions about identity and humanity.
The film is also unique for its impressive combination of motion capture and digital effects, delivering an ultra-realistic-looking Alita. This technological feat perfectly captures the emotions and struggles of the main character, making her journey all the more immersive. What's more, Iron City's visual universe, inspired by degraded urban landscapes, lends an almost tangible atmosphere to this futuristic world where robots and humans rub shoulders in a dystopian society.
Alita: Battle Angel offers an immersive cinematic adventure, combining groundbreaking special effects, a poignant plot and breathtaking action scenes. Thisscience-fiction-action film will appeal to fans of the cyberpunk universe and epic tales alike. A must-see epic for anyone looking for a unique and intense visual experience.
Our opinion on the film Alita: Battle Angel (2019):
Alita plunges us into an ultra-realistic futuristic universe, where droids cohabit with humans. Far from the Japanese environment of the manga, the plot takes place in a city reminiscent of the Brazilian favelas, with a warm, Latin atmosphere.
From the very start of the story, we're plunged into a world that's far removed from anything we know, yet still seems familiar.
The "young" Alita is both an extremely touching and sensitive woman, and at the same time a war machine of incredible power and determination.
The special effects are breathtaking, the plot fascinating and the characters endearing and charismatic! Alita is unique and unlike anything else.
In short, if you like action films, science fiction and special effects, go and see it! You won't be disappointed!
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