The new Japanese series Beyond Goodbye offers a story of romance and supernatural drama that transcends the boundaries of life and death. Imagined by Yoshikazu Okada, a screenwriter renowned for his emotionally profound works, and directed by Hiroshi Kurosaki, the series stars Kasumi Arimura and Kentarô Sakaguchi in the lead roles. The story centers on Saeko, a young woman devastated by the loss of her fiancé Yusuke, and Naruse, a man who receives Yusuke's heart. As memories of Yusuke resurface in Naruse, the two souls are inexorably drawn together, exploring the mysterious bond that unites them despite death.
Beyond Goodbye will be available on Netflix from November 14, 2024.
Synopsis: Saeko (Kasumi Arimura) loses the love of her life, Yusuke (Tôma Ikuta), in an accident on the day he proposes to her. Shortly afterwards, a man named Naruse (Kentarô Sakaguchi) gets his second wind when he receives a new heart: Yusuke's. As if driven by destiny, Saeko meets Naruse, who is soon haunted by the memories of Yusuke that rise up inside him.
Beyond Goodbye is aimed above all at fans of intense, dramatic romances and stories in which fate plays a central role. Viewers sensitive to tales of love mixed with the supernatural and themes of grief are likely to find it emotionally rich. By exploring memory, grief and the possibility of a spiritual connection beyond life, the series could also captivate fans of Japanese dramas such as Your Name or inspirational series such as Violet Evergarden. Conversely, viewers who prefer stories rooted in pure realism might find the story's supernatural setting less appealing.
The series' geographical setting, between Hokkaido and Hawaii, offers a unique visual aesthetic and reinforces the contrast between Yusuke's past and Naruse's new life, creating an immersive atmosphere that promises to take viewers on an emotional and visual journey.
With Beyond Goodbye, Netflix invites viewers to discover a touching Japanese series that explores the mysteries of love and memory beyond death. Through the performances of Kasumi Arimura and Kentarô Sakaguchi, the series may well appeal to fans of deeply moving tales and spiritual dramas. For anyone who appreciates stories that explore fate and the human bond, Beyond Goodbye promises to be a poignant and hope-filled journey.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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