Pour seul bagage(The Trunk), a new Korean series directed by Kim Gyu-tae, is a skilful blend of romance, mystery and thriller. Inspired by intriguing themes, the story begins when a trunk washed up on the shore of a lake reveals the existence of a clandestine marriage service. This unusual context provides the backdrop for the enigmatic union between two protagonists, played by the talented Gong Yoo(Goblin) and Seo Hyun-jin(Another Miss Oh). Through this dramatic series, viewers are invited to explore complex human relationships, where secrets and feelings intertwine in an atmosphere that is both romantic and unsettling.
Pour seul bagage will air on Netflix from November 29, 2024.
Synopsis: A clandestine wedding service is discovered when a trunk washes up on the shore of a lake, exposing a couple's strange marriage.
Pour seul bagage will appeal not only to fans of complexromantic dramas, but also to those who appreciate mysterious plots and stories where characters hide deeply buried secrets. This series will particularly appeal to fans of Korean series such as Crash Landing on You or Flower of Evil, which marry emotional storytelling with elements of suspense.
What sets Pour seul bagage apart is its original and intriguing script, centered on a clandestine marriage service - an unusual concept, enhanced by an enigmatic atmosphere and meticulous direction. With expected performances from Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun-jin, the series promises a captivating experience, blending romance, mystery and introspection.
Pour seul bagage is a Korean series that's off the beaten track. Boasting a charismatic pair of actors and an intriguing script, it promises to move viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats. A romance to discover for those who love dense, mysterious tales.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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