La Deuxième étoile, is a family comedy directed by Lucien Jean-Baptiste. Originally released in theaters in 2017, this film is the sequel to La Première étoile and follows the new adventures of Jean-Gabriel, played by Lucien Jean-Baptiste, as he decides to take his whole family to the mountains for the Christmas holidays. With a cast including Firmine Richard, Anne Consigny and Lucien Jean-Baptiste himself, this comedy promises to provide a warm and funny moment.
La Deuxième étoile is available on Netflix from December 12, 2024 and on Prime Video from September 1, 2024.
Synopsis: Jean-Gabriel has decided to take his family to the mountains for Christmas. And this time, all should go well. But his mother arrives from the West Indies, his children don't want to leave, Jojo entrusts him with his Hummer and his wife tells him she has to look after her father, whom she hasn't seen since she decided to marry Jean-Gabriel. But for Jean-Gabriel, family is sacred, and so is Christmas!
Jean-Gabriel (Lucien Jean-Baptiste), as determined as ever to offer his family unforgettable moments, decides this time to take everyone to the mountains for Christmas. However, nothing goes according to plan: his mother (Firmine Richard) arrives from the West Indies, his children aren't enthusiastic about the idea of going away, his friend Jojo entrusts him with his imposing Hummer, and his wife (Anne Consigny) has to look after her father, whom she hasn't seen in a long time. Despite all these obstacles, Jean-Gabriel is determined to make this escapade a success, because for him, family and Christmas are sacred. Between misunderstandings, funny situations and sincere emotions, La Deuxième étoile is an ode to family, perseverance and shared moments.
La Deuxième étoile is aimed at family audiences and anyone who appreciates light, touching comedies that take a humorous approach to the ups and downs of everyday life. Audiences who enjoyed La Première étoile or other French comedies such as Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? will be delighted to rediscover the warm humor and hilarious situations typical of this genre. What sets La Deuxième étoile apart is its ability to combine humor with universal themes such as family dynamics, cultural diversity and the importance of tradition, all in an enchanting, festive setting.
With The Second Star, Prime Video offers a refreshingly funny comedy that's sure to warm hearts in any season. Available from September 1, 2024, this film is perfect for an evening with family and friends, where laughter is guaranteed. Lucien Jean-Baptiste captures the essence of the holiday season with a touch of humor and a whole lot of love, making La Deuxième étoile a must-see for those looking for a good time.
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