Directed by Tony Cervone, Scooby!(Scoob!) is a vibrant, modern animated film that revisits the origins of Scooby-Doo and his detective friends. This family film blends comedy, adventure and mystery to offer a fresh take on the adventures of Mystery and Co. Audiences follow Scooby and Sammy, bound by an unbreakable friendship, alongside Fred, Velma and Daphne, in an investigation that leads them to confront supernatural forces threatening the world. Featuring the voices of Frank Welker, Will Forte and Zac Efron, Scooby! promises to delight young and old alike with its blend of humor and action.
Scooby! will be available on Netflix from December 21, 2024.
Synopsis: In SCOOBY! we discover how Scooby and Sammy, friends for life, met and teamed up with budding detectives Fred, Velma and Daphne to create the famous Mystery and Co. team.
Having solved hundreds of cases and had countless adventures, Scooby and the gang are now faced with their most daunting puzzle yet: a plot to unleash the forces of the ghost-dog Cerberus. As they do their utmost to stop this worldwide "acabocalypse", our friends discover that Scooby carries a heavy heredity and is destined for a greater destiny than anyone could have imagined.
Scooby! is aimed primarily at children aged 6 and over, but it will also delight families and those nostalgic for the famous animated series. The film retains the humor and spirit of adventure that made Scooby-Doo such a success, while updating its universe for a new generation.
With its modern references and action-packed scenes, Scooby! is reminiscent of works like Lego Batman, the movie or The Incredibles, which combine humor, adventure and positive messages. Those looking for an entertaining, light-hearted story will appreciate this film, while fans of the classic Scooby-Doo mysteries will be delighted to find their favorite characters in a more ambitious and spectacular adventure.
Scooby! is a funny, action-packed animated adventure that revisits the origins of Mystère et Cie while offering an original, captivating plot. This film is perfect for a family evening out, combining nostalgia and discovery for young and old alike.
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