Once Upona Revolution, directed by the legendary Sergio Leone, is an epic film released in cinemas on March 29, 1972 and remade on October 21, 2009. This feature film, available on Prime Video from August 1, 2024, reunites stars such as James Coburn and Rod Steiger in a story that merges the western and the war film. Leone, the undisputed master of the genre, also co-wrote the screenplay with Sergio Donati, creating a captivating tale full of twists and turns.
In Mexico in 1913, Juan Miranda (Rod Steiger), an ambitious stagecoach robber, meets John Mallory (James Coburn), an Irish explosives expert and former IRA member. Juan dreams of robbing the Mesa Verde Central Bank and sees in John the ideal accomplice for this daring heist. After blackmailing John into joining in, the two men find themselves caught up in the Mexican revolution. The bank in Mesa Verde, far from containing material wealth, is actually home to political prisoners. Despite their initial intentions, Juan and John become unwitting heroes in a conflict that is bigger than themselves.
Once Upona Time in the West will appeal to fans of classic westerns, war films and Sergio Leone. Those who enjoyed works such as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly or Once Upon a Time in the West will find this film a masterful new exploration of the genre. The film's originality lies in its combination of Western action and historical drama, as well as in the depth of its characters. James Coburn and Rod Steiger deliver memorable performances as men caught up in the turmoil of a revolution and forced to redefine their place in this changing world.
Once Upona Revolution is a must-see cinema classic, combining Sergio Leone's masterful storytelling with outstanding performances from James Coburn and Rod Steiger. A brilliant blend of western and historical drama, the film will be available on Prime Video from August 1, 2024. For fans of great cinematic storytelling and epic adventure, this masterpiece is an opportunity not to be missed.
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