Sonic 3 - The Movie, the latest installment in the famous animated saga, arrives in cinemas this holiday season. Directed by Jeff Fowler, already at the helm of the previous installments, this animated film continues to bring the dynamic, colorful world of the Sonic video games to life. Iconic characters such as Sonic, Knuckles and Tails return to action, this time against a formidable new enemy, Shadow. Actors Ben Schwartz, Idris Elba and Colleen O'Shaughnessey, who lend their voices to these heroes, are joined by Keanu Reeves in the role of Shadow, adding considerable weight to this new animated adventure.
Sonic 3 - Le Film will be released in cinemas from December 25, 2024.
Synopsis: Sonic, Knuckles and Tails find themselves up against a new adversary, Shadow, a mysterious and powerful enemy with unprecedented powers. Outmatched on every level, Team Sonic must form an unlikely alliance to stop Shadow and protect our planet.
In Sonic 3 - The Movie, the intrepid Sonic finds himself up against a new adversary, Shadow, a character as mysterious as he is powerful. With his allies Knuckles and Tails, Sonic must join forces to face this unprecedented threat. Together, they'll try to thwart the plans of this new enemy and protect the planet. The stakes are high, and Team Sonic will need all its cunning and courage to avoid catastrophe.
This new episode of Sonic 3 is aimed at a wide audience, from children to adults, especially those who have grown up with Sonic video games. Fans of the previous films will be delighted to find the familiar voices of Ben Schwartz, Idris Elba and Colleen O'Shaughnessey, while the arrival of Keanu Reeves as the fearsome Shadow should attract an even wider audience. The originality of this installment lies in the introduction of Shadow, a complex and fascinating character who could well be a game-changer in the Sonic universe. If you enjoyed other animated films such as The New Heroes or Ralph 2.0, Sonic 3 should also appeal to you, with its mix of action, humor and nostalgic video game references.
Sonic 3 - The Movie promises to be a must-see adventure for animation and video game fans alike. Starring Keanu Reeves as Shadow, this new opus promises to redefine the stakes of the franchise while retaining the spirit and energy that made the previous films such a success. Don't miss this cinematic rendezvous on December 25, 2024 to find out whether Sonic and his friends will be able to save the planet in the face of this new threat.
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