Directed by Byron Howard, Jared Bush and Charise Castro Smith, Encanto transports us to an enchanted universe where magic reigns in the heart of the Colombian mountains. This Disney Studios animated film introduces the Madrigal family, an extraordinary family in which each member possesses a unique magical gift, ranging from superhuman strength to healing. But Mirabel, the only child without powers, is about to discover that her role could be far more important than expected when a mysterious threat looms over their enchanted home. With the voices of Camille Timmerman, José Garcia and , in a welcome nod to its Colombian roots, chef Juan Arbelaez as Agustín, Encanto blends humor, adventure and emotion to appeal to a wide audience.
Encanto, the fantastic Madrigal family will be broadcast on Disney+ from November 24, 2024.
Synopsis: In a mysterious place nestled in the mountains of Colombia, the fantastic Madrigal family lives in an enchanted house in a city full of life, a wonderful place called Encanto. Encanto has endowed each of the family's children with magical abilities ranging from superhuman strength to healing powers. Only Mirabel has received no special gifts. But when the Encanto's magic is threatened, the only ordinary child in this extraordinary family may prove to be their only hope...
Encanto is aimed at families and young viewers aged 6 and over, as well as anyone who appreciates animated films filled with magic and music. This film is particularly recommended for fans of other Disney works celebrating cultural diversity, such as Coco or Vaiana, as it explores Colombian traditions and family ties in a unique setting. Fans of musicals will also find much to enjoy here, thanks to the lively songs co-written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, which add an extra touch of charm to this magical universe. The character of Mirabel, with her simplicity and courage, is sure to appeal to audiences in search of accessible, inspiring heroes.
Encanto follows in the footsteps of Disney films that showcase cultures from around the world. Here, the focus is on Colombia, with its lush, colorful landscapes and values of family solidarity. With themes such as self-acceptance and the importance of each member within a community, Encanto presents a universal message of tolerance, particularly suited to young viewers and their families.
Encanto promises to enchant young and old alike, combining enchantment, Colombian culture and an inspiring message about family. This colorful, musical adventure is designed to entertain and delight, while reflecting on the importance of individuality and togetherness. With Encanto on Disney+ from November 24, families can look forward to a moment of magic and discovery that will appeal to children and escape-seeking adults alike.
Our opinion on Encanto, the fantastic Madrigal family :
Disney signs a very fine animated film, breaking with the formats we're used to. There are no princesses and knights here, just a healthy dose of magic and love... family love! Beneath this adventure lies a lovely lesson on family ties, acceptance of others and of oneself, self-confidence and one's place in the family.
We were also pleasantly surprised by the film's change of style: there are no hits à la Libérée, Délivrée here: Lin Manuel Miranda signs a real musical, with Latin-sounding songs, and narrative tensions that give these songs unexpected power.
Of course, the drawings and animation are even more incredible: the textures of the clothes and hair are true works of art, and the beauty of the graphics is enough to make us want to see it again!
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