Vaiana, the legend of the end of the world, a feature film from Walt Disney Studios, released in theaters on November 30, 2016, airs tonight on M6. This animated film is directed by the famous duo Ron Clements and John Musker - directors of the underwater adventure The Little Mermaid (1989), the hilarious Aladdin (1992) but also the great epic Hercules (1997), Treasure Planet (2002) and The Princess and the Frog (2009).
Vaiana, the legend of the end of the world tells the exciting adventure of a reckless young girl who embarks on a great journey to accomplish the unfinished quest of her ancestors and save her people. As she crosses the vast ocean, Vaiana (original voice of Auli'i Cravalho) will meet Maui, a demigod (voice of Dwayne Johnson). Together, they will complete an epic journey full of action, encounters and trials...
While waiting to discover the heroine of this charming tale of learning Disney sauce, note that the Walt Disney Animation Studios return to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. They'll be showing never-before-seen and exclusive footage from this new animated adventure comedy!
It is from the Oceanic islands of the South Pacific that the young Moana, as a skilled sailor, decides to start her search for an island as mysterious as it is fabulous. During this long journey, she will team up with her idol, the legendary demigod Maui, who will help her navigate the oceans and complete an epic journey filled with enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underwater worlds and ancient traditions...
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