Released in 2016, Les Trolls is an animated film directed by Mike Mitchell(Shrek 4, il était une fin) and Walt Dohrn. Featuring the French voices of Louane Emera, famous for her role in La Famille Bélier, and Matt Pokora, this film is a musical fantasy adventure. The Trolls, known for their magical fluorescent hair crests, live in a world full of color, cupcakes and pop music. The film also features original songs by Justin Timberlake, including the famous hit "Can't Stop the Feeling".
The Trolls, cheerful, exuberant creatures, live in a world of music and festivities. Poppy, their optimistic leader, must join forces with Branche, a more realistic and cautious Troll, to save their friends from the clutches of the Bergens, creatures who only find happiness by eating Trolls. Their adventure will take them far from their enchanted world, and they'll have to rely on their courage and friendship to triumph. With its lively songs and endearing characters, The Trolls offers a vibrant, good-humored cinematic experience.
Les Trolls appeals to a wide audience, from children to adults, thanks to its blend of colorful animation, lively music and humor. The film stands out for its dazzling aesthetics and irresistible musical sequences. Fans of animated films such as Shrek and Lego's Big Adventure will particularly appreciate this colorful adventure. The film is perfect for an evening out with the family, or for those looking to recapture their childlike spirit with a dose of pop music.
Les Trolls is an animated musical that will delight young and old alike with its flamboyant universe and endearing characters. Available on Prime Video from July 1, 2024, this film is a celebration of joy, music and friendship. If you're looking to brighten up your day, The Trolls is the perfect choice for a refreshingly euphoric cinematic experience.
Here's a colourful new adventure for young and old alike to look forward to!
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