Released in 2020, Les Trolls 2 - Tournée mondiale is the highly anticipated sequel to Les Trolls, directed by David P. Smith and Walt Dohrn. Featuring the French voices of Vitaa and Matt Pokora, this animated film combines comedy, adventure and music in a vibrant universe. The Trolls, cheerful creatures with fluorescent hair, must once again join forces to save their world from musical destruction. The film is also rich in original songs, offering a veritable aural feast for music fans.
In The Trolls 2 - World Tour, Queen Barb, a hard-rocking Troll, and her father King Thrash, want to eradicate all other genres of music so that rock reigns supreme. Faced with this threat, Poppy and Branch, the optimistic leaders of the Trolls, set off on a mission to unite the various musical tribes against this sonic dictatorship. Accompanied by their friends Biggie, Chenille, Satin, Cooper and Guy Diamond, they visit various territories, each representing a different musical genre, to convince their inhabitants to unite against Barb. This adventure leads them to discover new musical horizons and strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity.
Les Trolls 2 - Tournée mondiale appeals to a wide audience, from children to adults, thanks to its colorful animation, humor and dynamic musical sequences. The film stands out for its exploration of various musical genres, offering a varied sound palette that will delight music lovers. Fans of animated films such as Lego's Big Adventure and Shrek will find this sequel a continuation of the magic and joy of Trolls. Blending adventure, comedy and music, The Trolls 2 - World Tour promises a rewarding and entertaining cinematic experience for the whole family.
The Trolls 2 - World Tour is an animated musical that expands the Troll universe with engaging characters and a captivating soundtrack. Available on Prime Video from July 1, 2024, this film is a celebration of musical diversity and unity. Whether you're a fan of animation, music or simply looking for a joyful, inspiring story, The Trolls 2 - World Tour is the perfect choice to brighten your day.
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