After Spider-Man: New Generation(Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), which won Best Animated Feature at the 2019 Oscars, the second installment in the saga is set to air. This second opus, broadcast on television this Friday, December 15, at 9:10pm on Canal+, features our hero, back in his childhood bedroom after spending a few months at university. His friend Gwen Stacy manages to travel through the Multiverse and embarks him on a mission as dangerous as it is thrilling... Spider-Man then sets off to meet a real team of Spider-Heroes, charged with protecting the existence of their world.
This new chapter, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers and Justin K. Thompson, features innovative and revolutionary animation. The aesthetic style and infinite possibilities for playing with images make the film quite spectacular. A true work of animated art, this cinematic nugget promises - even more than the first part! - as a brilliant demonstration of the reinvention of animated cinema.
Against a backdrop of lively, modern music, the animated film juggles humor and emotion perfectly. As endearing as ever, our protagonist reveals himself to be a little more sentimental in this opus, and faces some real Cornelian dilemmas. Between family responsibility and personal duty, powerful themes are always at the heart of the saga. We also witness the character's transformation, as he matures into a true hero who lives up to our expectations.
Spider-Man: New Generation may have set the bar very high, but this latest affirmation of the power of animated cinema doesn't disappoint.