La Mer et ses vagues, a captivating drama directed by Liana & Renaud, will be presented atACID during the Cannes Film Festival 2023. The film follows the story of Najwa and Mansour, who travel to Beirut to join a woman on the other side of the sea, and Selim, the keeper of the ancient lighthouse.
On a full-moon night, Najwa and Mansour, played by Mays Mustafa and Roger Assaf, follow the smugglers' trail to reach their goal. At the same time, Mohammed Al Ammari plays Selim, who is trying to repair the electricity in his neighborhood a few streets away.
The Cannes Film Festival is a prestigious event that showcases the talents of international cinema. The selection of La Mer et ses vagues at ACID testifies to the quality of the film and the artistic vision of Liana & Renaud.
It's important to mention that this article is based on information available prior to the film's screening. Opinions and views on La Mer et ses vagues may evolve once the film has been seen by a larger number of people.
In conclusion, La Mer et ses vagues looks to be a promising and moving drama that could touch audiences when it is presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2023. We look forward to seeing the film and learning more about the characters and their stories.