Filles du Feu (As filhas do fogo), a short film directed by Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa, has been included in the Official Selection of the Cannes Film Festival 2023. The film features singers Elizabeth Pinard, Alice Costa and Karyna Gomes, and is produced by Clarão Companhia.
The short film is the result of a multidisciplinary collaboration between Pedro Costa and Os Músicos do Tejo, first presented in 2016 at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. It uses images captured by the director during the filming of "Casa da Lava" (1994) in Cape Verde.
Portuguese director Pedro Costa is known for his distinctive visual style and intimate portraits of marginalized characters. Born in Lisbon in 1959, Costa studied at the Lisbon Film School before pursuing a career as a filmmaker. His work has won critical acclaim and numerous awards at international film festivals.
Pedro Costa's most famous films include"Ossos" (1997),"Dans la chambre de Vanda" (2000) and"Ventura" (2014). He has also made documentaries, including"En avant, jeunesse" (2006) and"Vitalina Varela" (2019), which have been widely acclaimed. His films are often characterized by austere sets, dark colors and a minimalist approach to storytelling.
The short film "Filles du Feu" is a new addition to Pedro Costa's impressive filmography. The film explores themes of music, culture and identity through images captured by the director during the filming of"La maison de Lave" in Cape Verde in 1994. The multidisciplinary collaboration between Pedro Costa and Os Músicos do Tejo adds a unique musical dimension to this short film, underlining the importance of music in Cape Verdean culture.
In"Filles du Feu", Pedro Costa continues to explore the lives and experiences of marginalized people and highlights the challenges they face. The film is an example of Pedro Costa's talent for telling poignant stories with a striking visual approach.
By presenting"Filles du Feu" in the Official Selection of the 76th Cannes Film Festival, Pedro Costa joins other renowned directors and confirms his status as an influential filmmaker on the international scene. The short film is an opportunity for viewers to discover or rediscover the work of this talented director and his commitment to the representation of marginalized voices.