The tenth film to be adapted from the license, "Ninja Turtles: Teenage Years" is an animated film focusing on the origins of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Discover their very first mission on cinema screens from August 9.
Holed up in their sewer with their father, the rat Splinter, the four Turtle brothers get tired of living in hiding and discover New York for the first time. Helped by their new friend April O'Neil, they aspire to be recognized as ordinary teenagers by New Yorkers when a mysterious army of mutants threatens the city.
With this new feature, producer Seth Rogen and directors Jeff Rowe and Kyler Spears wanted to showcase younger-than-usual Turtles in their early teens. An angle little explored in the franchise until now.
Our opinion
With a unique animation style, the makers of this film reappropriate the Ninja Turtles mythology with a whole new universe. Pop, colorful and pencil-styled, we can feel the visual influence of Sony's Spider-Verse. These Ninja Turtles are pure products of their time: smartphones, very current references(Avengers, Attack of the Titans and Tik Tok are all mentioned) and characters revisited in 2023, nothing to do with the 1990s series! The authors take the opportunity to amuse us about our expectations. Far from being a fighter of unrivalled wisdom, Splinter is more a reference to old New York immigrants, hiding out to avoid human racism. April O'Neil, meanwhile, is a high-school student terrified of public speaking.
But never mind, the Ninja Turtles spirit is here! And fans of the license will find what has thrilled them for decades. This new opus is supercharged, ultra-rhythmic and highly visual. The Spider-Verse influence doesn't stop at the graphics. You'd almost think Ninja Turtle - Teenage Years couldn't have existed without its predecessor. The whole thing is charming, but sometimes drowns in its references, which prevents it from having its own identity and fully seducing. What remains is a fine discourse on tolerance, an essential part of a film aimed at children in particular.
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