In Bandits, charismatic con man Wilson (played by Juan Pablo Medina) puts together a daring team of experienced criminals to unlock the secret of the Snake King's treasure, buried somewhere on the Riviera Maya. Each member of the gang brings his or her own unique skills to this perilous adventure, mixing action, strategy and unexpected moments of humor.
Alfonso Dosal lends his features to Miguel, a logistics specialist whose intelligence and cunning will be crucial in navigating the dangers along the way. Nicolás Furtado plays Octavio, the group's muscle, while Mabel Cadena plays Inés, an expert in ancient artifacts whose knowledge could be the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding the treasure.
The series also benefits from the presence ofEster Expósito, well known to French audiences for her role in the series Élite, who plays Lilí, a seductress whose persuasive talents prove invaluable to the team. Andrés Baida and Andrea Chaparro play Ariel and Citlali respectively, two young talents with diverse skills who bring their dynamism to the team.
With a total of seven episodes, Bandits promises to transport viewers to a world where adventure reigns supreme, blending ancient enigmas, betrayals and unexpected alliances. The quest for the Snake King's treasure should not only be a geographical journey through the breathtaking landscapes of the Riviera Maya, but also an exploration of the bonds that develop between the characters, each confronted with their own demons and desires.
Join us on Netflix on March 13, 2024 to discover Bandits.
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