Chicken Nugget tells the extraordinary story of a young woman who finds herself transformed into a chicken nugget after an experiment with a strange machine. This unusual starting point sets in motion a series of unpredictable events, which should quickly take us from laughter to tears. Two men, one in love with the transformed young woman, the other her father, embark on a desperate quest to reverse this surreal transformation.
Directed and written by Lee Byeong-Hun, Chicken Nugget promises to be a one-of-a-kind adventure. The cast includes Ryu Seung-ryong, Ahn Jae-hong and Kim You-jung, all of whom should bring depth and humor to this highly original story.
Over the course of the episodes, the series should explore, with humor, the themes of love andself-acceptance, all wrapped up in an investigation full of twists and comic moments. Chicken Nugget promises to be a story where theabsurd rubs shoulders with the everyday, pushing the characters to surpass themselves in situations that are expected to be as hilarious as they are touching.
Get ready to embark on an unprecedented adventure, where a chicken nugget becomes the pivotal element in a story that combines emotions and a great deal ofhumor.
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