Something to delight Star Wars fans! On Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 March 2024, Disney+ unveiled a poster, trailer and release date for its upcoming series, The Acolyte, on the SVOD platform. Join us on June 5, 2024 to discover the first episodes of this series from a galaxy far, far away...
"In the final days of the High Republic era, as dark secrets tarnish the galaxy and a number of Dark Side forces emerge, an ex-Padawan reunites with her Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes."
The series will focus on a "police investigation" involving a Jedi and her master. And a little birdie tells us that a Sith is behind it all! The cast includes Amandla Stenberg, Jodie Turner-Smith, Dafne Keen, Manny Jacinto, Lee Jung-jae, Carrie-Anne Moss and Joonas Suotamo (who plays a Wookie in the series).
And while we're waiting for the series to arrive on Disney+, we're taking the opportunity to rewatch the films and other series based on the franchise on the SVOD platform.
For other trailers, click here:
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