Attention manga and anime fans... Parasyte: The Grey, a live-action series adapted fromHitoshi Iwaaki's manga, awaits you on Netflix from April 5, 2024. Directed by Sang-ho Yeon, director of the 2026 feature Dernier train pour Busan, the series follows the story of Jeong Su-ni, a young woman involved in a car accident who finds herself infected by a parasite. And that's when cohabitation begins...
"As unidentified parasitic life forms that subsist at the expense of human hosts seek to increase their power and begin to disrupt society, a group of humans declare war on the invader. The story is inspired by Hitoshi Iwaaki's manga Parasyte, in which parasites colonize the brains of humans to control their bodies."
Hiyoshi Iwaaki also expressed his enthusiasm for the series, as reported by Journal du Geek:"What I'm most excited about is that it's a new story. Although I'm the author of the original manga, I could also be part of the audience experiencing pleasure and surprise", he declared. He continued:"I believe that this new story, set in a different place, will take us into a world beyond my imagination.
All we can do now is wait for its release on Netflix.
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