Tracker, a captivating series co-created by Michael Cooney, Jeffery Deaver, and Ben Winters, is preparing to unveil its mysteries on Disney+ on April 24, 2024. With a cast including Justin Hartley, Fiona Rene, and Robin Weigert, the series is based on the best-selling novel The Never Game by Jeffery Deaver.
The series follows Colter Shaw, played by Justin Hartley, a lone survivalist who travels the United States. Armed with his exceptional tracking skills, Shaw puts himself at the service of police and civilians alike to solve a variety ofpuzzles and unsolved cases. But his adventure doesn't stop there; he must also navigate through the troubles and secrets of his own family, adding a layer of complexity to his already fascinating character.
Tracker promises a profound exploration of the character of Colter Shaw, a man whose life is guided by the quest for truth and justice, while at the same time confronting his own inner demons and family conflicts. The series is an invitation to follow an adventure full of suspense, unexpected twists and surprising revelations.
In Tracker's world, every clue counts and every secret can be the key to solving the next mystery. This series is a must-see for thriller fans and will be available exclusively on Disney+ from April 24, 2024.
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