Jane is a TV series that follows the adventures of a budding 9-year-old environmentalist determined to save endangered animals. The series, which returns for its second season on Apple TV+ on April 19, 2024, continues to be inspired by its heroine's commitment and passion for protecting the environment. Jane, with her boundless imagination, her best friend David and Greybeard the chimpanzee, embarks on extraordinary adventures around the globe to protect endangered species.
The heart of the series beats to the rhythm of the famous quote by his idol, Dr. Jane Goodall: "Only by understanding will we become interested. Only by being interested will we help. Only by helping will we save them." This maxim resonates as a call to action for Jane and her friends, who, through their adventures, seek to raise public awareness of the importance of nature conservation.
The Jane series stands out for its edutainment approach to environmental issues, targeting young audiences and families in particular. Featuring a young, intrepid and resourceful heroine, Jane aims to inspire young viewers to become aware of their environment and take action to preserve it.
With a release date set for April 19, 2024 on Apple TV+, Season 2 of Jane is eagerly awaited by both long-time fans and new viewers eager to discover the new adventures of this passionate young environmentalist. By highlighting the importance of understanding, caring and helping endangered animals, the series continues to play a crucial role in educating young audiences about major environmental issues.
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