Hollywood-style bank heists is a gripping crimedocumentary directed by Stephen Robert Morse and Seth Porges. The film stars Jordan Burtchett, Kurt Ostlund and Scott Patey as the protagonists of a series of spectacular bank robberies in Seattle in the 1990s. Morse and Porges, known for their work on ambitious documentary projects, here explore the fascinating world of a bank robber who combines charm, intelligence and a surprising ability to disappear thanks to Hollywood-style make-up.
The film is set in 90s Seattle, where the world's best bank robber leads a seemingly perfect life. With his irresistible good looks and charm, he has an incredible tree hideout and uses sophisticated make-up techniques to evade law enforcement. But as they close in, the robber's carefree life turns into a suffocating trap. He and his team are forced to risk everything for one last score.
This documentary is for fans of crime films and daring heist stories. Fans of Inside Man or Heat will find Hollywood-style heists just as thrilling. The film's originality lies in its documentary approach, offering an authentic and detailed look at the tactics and psychology of a charismatic 90s bank robber. The blend of dramatic re-enactments and interviews lends a realistic, immersive dimension that sets this film apart from others of its kind.
Hollywood-style bank heists promises to be a captivating documentary that immerses viewers in the world of spectacular 90s Seattle bank heists. Directed by Stephen Robert Morse and Seth Porges, and featuring performances by Jordan Burtchett, Kurt Ostlund and Scott Patey, this film offers a unique combination of charm, tension and realism. Fans of true crime stories and crime thrillers will find this a film not to be missed.
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