SPRINT is a documentary series that will be available on Netflix from July 2, 2024. The series delves into the psyche of elite athletes from around the world, all united by a common goal: to become the fastest person on the planet. Divided into six episodes, this first season explores the colossal challenges and personal sacrifices of sprinters such as Sha'Carri Richardson, Noah Lyles and Shericka Jackson. The documentary offers an unprecedented perspective on their intense preparations leading up to and during the 2023 World Athletics Championships.
SPRINT takes us into the fascinating world of elite sprinters, revealing the superhuman efforts and sacrifices these athletes undergo to achieve perfection. The series offers exclusive access to the rigorous training and decisive competitions that define their careers. Each episode brings us closer to the crucial moments when a split second can decide their future, revealing the steely mentality and unshakeable determination of these champions. The first season focuses in particular on the performances and preparations of today's greatest sprinters for the 2023 World Athletics Championships.
SPRINT is aimed at fans of sport and inspiring documentaries, as well as anyone interested in stories of perseverance and self-transcendence. What sets this documentary series apart is its immersive, human approach, allowing viewers to discover not only the physical prowess, but also the emotions and personal sacrifices of the athletes. If you enjoyed The Last Dance, Icarus or Formula 1: Drive to Survive, SPRINT will captivate you with its intense storytelling and striking images.
SPRINT promises to be a must-see documentary series for all fans of sport and inspirational storytelling. Following the journeys of elite sprinters like Sha'Carri Richardson, Noah Lyles and Shericka Jackson, this series offers a deep immersion into the demanding world of athletics. Starting July 2, 2024, don't miss this fascinating exploration of the dedication and passion that drives these extraordinary athletes, available exclusively on Netflix.
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