Time Cut: a horrific thriller combining time travel and suspense, to be discovered on Netflix

Published by Julie de Sortiraparis · Published on September 16, 2024 at 07:05 p.m.
Time Cut, a sci-fi horror film directed by Hannah Macpherson and starring Madison Bailey and Antonia Gentry, arrives on Netflix on October 30, 2024. A teenage girl tries to save her sister by going back in time.

On October 30, 2024, Netflix will unveil Time Cut, a horror film combining thriller and science fiction, directed by Hannah Macpherson. The feature plunges viewers into a breathless race against time, as a teenager in 2024, played by Madison Bailey(Outer Banks), is propelled back to 2003 to stop a masked killer from murdering her sister. Starring Antonia Gentry(Ginny & Georgia), Time Cut promises to combine slasher thrills with time paradoxes, in a nostalgic 2000s setting.

In Time Cut, a young girl named Rachel (played by Madison Bailey) is haunted by the murder of her sister over twenty years ago. In 2024, a mysterious incident allows her to go back in time to 2003, a few days before the murder. She faces a major challenge: to prevent the masked killer from committing his crime without upsetting the course of time and risking unforeseeable consequences for the future. Through flashbacks to life in 2003, Rachel attempts to change history, while being stalked by a relentless killer. The film takes the classic time-travel dilemma and adds a dose ofhorror and oppressive suspense, where every decision could prove fatal.

Time Cut will appeal to fans of horror films and psychological thrillers, while adding a touch of science fiction with time travel. Fans of slasher films such as Scream or Happy Birthdead will find a similar atmosphere in this film, where the masked killer and unexpected twists keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The 2000s setting adds a nostalgic dimension for those who grew up in that era, with cultural and technological references that will delight viewers. The combination of the angst associated with the unpredictability of time travel and the classic codes of the slasher creates a unique work. Those who enjoytime epics such as Back to the Future or high-tension thrillers like The Final Girls should find much to enjoy here.

Scheduled for release just before Halloween, on October 30, 2024, Time Cut is the perfect film for thrill-seekers. Between harrowing time travel, a ruthless masked killer and breathless suspense, this Netflix production directed by Hannah Macpherson promises an immersive cinematic experience. Madison Bailey and Antonia Gentry lead a thrilling adventure where every minute counts. With a plot that blends the danger of the past with the uncertainties of the future, Time Cut promises to be one of the must-see horror films of the end of the year.

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Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
Starts October 30, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.
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