Turkish comedy series Le Touche-à-tout returns for a second season on Netflix on October 10, 2024. Created and performed by talented comedian and filmmaker Cem Yılmaz, the series takes us into the life of Erşan Kuneri, an iconic film director, through his memories of the 1980s. This colorful character, now 84, tells his story in a retrospective interview, taking viewers on a journey through the history of Turkish cinema. Through eight new episodes, the series explores the diversity of Erşan's films and the eccentric personalities that have marked his career.
In this second season, Erşan Kuneri, at the age of 84, retires to a secluded house where he agrees to take part in an interview that traces his life and career. Through his memories, we are transported back to the 1980s, when Erşan created his films with his long-time partner and former co-stars, while integrating new talent into his team. Viewers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the production of a wide variety of sometimes extravagant films, always marked by Kuneri's boundless creativity. Between stories of the past and his present life, the series offers a comic and nostalgic dive into the history of Turkish cinema, enriched by colorful characters and delightful anecdotes.
Le Touche-à-tout is aimed at comedy fans, especially those interested in Turkish film culture and nostalgic tales. Fans of Cem Yılmaz will find his unique style blending humor, satire and tenderness for his characters. With this second season, the series continues to seduce with its blend of humor and homage to 80s cinema, while offering a light-hearted reflection on the evolution of cinema through the eyes of a fictional director. If you've enjoyed series like The Kominsky Method or Call My Agent, you'll find in Le Touche-à-tout a similar behind-the-scenes exploration of the entertainment industry, tinged with humor and nostalgia.
Available on Netflix from October 10, 2024, Le Touche-à-tout season 2 promises to offer a memorable journey through the eccentric world of Erşan Kuneri. With eight new episodes, the series combines comedy and homage to Turkish cinema, while developing the stories and characters that revolve around this iconic director. A must-see for fans of comedy and cinematic storytelling.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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