Released in 2011, Limitless is a thriller directed by Neil Burger, known for such works as The Illusionist and Divergent. Starring Bradley Cooper(American Sniper), Robert De Niro(The Godfather) and Abbie Cornish(Bright Star), Limitless plunges viewers into a breathless race against time in which the quest for intellectual perfection comes at a high price.
Eddie Morra(Bradley Cooper) is a struggling writer paralyzed by writer's block. His monotonous life is turned upside down when a friend introduces him to NZT, a revolutionary drug that allows him to exploit his intellectual potential to the full. Under its influence, Eddie can remember everything he's ever read, seen or heard, learn any language in a day, solve complex equations and charm anyone he meets.
Before long, Eddie is working wonders on Wall Street, attracting the attention of financial tycoon Carl Van Loon(Robert De Niro), who offers to negotiate a historic merger. Little does Eddie know, however, that many are desperate to get their hands on his NZT stock. Discovering the drug's dangerous side effects, Eddie must navigate a world of threats and lawsuits, making ever greater use of his enhanced abilities. Will he be able to stay alive and overcome his enemies with his superhuman intelligence?
Limitless will appeal to fans of psychological thrillers and science-fiction stories exploring the limits of human capacity. The film stands out for its fascinating concept and remarkable performances, especially that of Bradley Cooper, who brilliantly embodies a man transformed by unprecedented intellectual power. Fans of films like Inception and Lucy will find Limitless a thrilling, thought-provoking adventure about human potential and its dangers.
Limitless is a gripping thriller that explores the extremes of human potential with mounting tension and unpredictable twists. Available on Prime Video from July 1, 2024, this film offers an intense reflection on power and corruption. Whether you're a Bradley Cooper fan or looking for an intellectually stimulating thriller, Limitless promises an unforgettable cinematic experience.
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