At first, they were called sneakers, tennis shoes or runners, depending on what they were used for. Today, they're called Nike, Adidas, Converse, Vans, Puma... These comfortable, trendy shoes have easily found their way into our hearts and wardrobes. That's why the Musée de l' Homme has decided to devote an exhibition to these star shoes! From October 13, 2021 to July 25, 2022, come and discover"Sneakers, les baskets entrent au musée".
From their origins in the early 20th century to the present day, the Musée de l' Homme looks back at this revolutionary creation that has conquered the entire planet. Sports equipment, fashion accessories, innovative materials, dazzling colors and original shapes... Sneakers have come a long way since they first appeared! The exhibition explores this object of mass consumption, which has made its mark everywhere, regardless of gender, age or socio-cultural background!
Flexible, comfortable, discreet: rubber and its use in shoe soles has led to the development of new shoe models, particularly suited to sport. Dubbed "sneakers", these shoes went on to become a symbol of counter-culture and hip-hop in the United States, before making their way into cinema, television, music and video games.
The exhibition at the Musée de l'Homme reveals the important role of sneakers in the emancipation and struggle for freedom of certain minority groups. Provocative, ill-fitting and transgressive, sneakers were embraced by major fashion brands to become the essential fashion accessory we know today.
The exhibition also looks at the physiological benefits of sneakers, through a playful experimental space that lets us observe how our feet move, and how these shoes adapt to our movements.
We discover numerous posters, collectors' items, audiovisual archives, advertisements, video clips... But above all, we'll be seeing flagship models, mythical sneakers that trace the history of this iconic shoe. More than 20 lenders have agreed to put forward over 70 pairs of sneakers for this exhibition, which should enthrall young and old alike.
Note that this exhibition is free of charge, provided you have a ticket for the "Permanent collections: the Galerie de l'Homme" or a ticket for the temporary exhibition. Now's the time to join your partner in discovering the " Aux frontières de l'humain" exhibition, which takes us into the human body and the possible futures of humanity. Will man still be wearing sneakers 200 years from now? Come and find out...
Dates and Opening Time
From October 13, 2021 to July 25, 2022
Museum of Man
17 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre
75116 Paris 16
Entrée gratuite. Inclus dans le billet "Collections permanentes : la Galerie de l'Homme" ou le billet de l'exposition temporaire: Free
Recommended age
For all
Official website
More information
Open 11 am to 7 pm, except Tuesdays. Free admission. Included in "Permanent collections: the Galerie de l'Homme" ticket or temporary exhibition ticket.