News covid guide - activities

Coronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en France

Covid: the incidence rate moves above 100, a first since September

The coronavirus-related health situation in France is deteriorating. For the first rime since September, the incidence rate exceeded 100 cases for 100,000 inhabitants again.
Le vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The Lancet

Covid: Valneva's vaccine already pre-ordered by the European Union

The European Union announced they have already pre-ordered doses of French Austrian Valneva's Covid vaccine, currently under rolling review by the European Medicines Agency. The vaccine has delivered "positive topline results" this past October.
Vaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record national

Covid: the French government confirms Moderna’s vaccine is halted for people under 30

France follows Sweden and no longer recommends to use Moderna’s vaccine in people under 30, following a report from the Haute Autorité de Santé. And for good reason, an increase risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. The French government followed the health authorities’ recommendation and now halts the use of the vaccine for the youngest.
Covid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolaires

Covid: self-tests under medical supervision valid again for the health pass

While the government announced self-tests were no longer valid to get a health pass past October 15, the Council of State has invalidated this decision and acknowledges again the validity of self-tests under medical supervision to get a health pass.
Le Mondial Du Tatouage 2015 à ParisLe Mondial Du Tatouage 2015 à ParisLe Mondial Du Tatouage 2015 à ParisLe Mondial Du Tatouage 2015 à Paris

Mondial du Tatouage: Paris’ huge tattoo show bows out because of Covid

What a sad piece of news for tattoo fans. The Mondial du Tatouage in Paris – considered as one of the biggest shows for tattoo art in the world – is bowing out because of the Covid-19 epidemic. Therefore, the event will not return to the Grande Halle de la Villette.
Obligation vaccinale des soignants : "3000 suspensions" de personnels non vaccinés, annonce VéranObligation vaccinale des soignants : "3000 suspensions" de personnels non vaccinés, annonce VéranObligation vaccinale des soignants : "3000 suspensions" de personnels non vaccinés, annonce VéranObligation vaccinale des soignants : "3000 suspensions" de personnels non vaccinés, annonce Véran

Covid: over 50 million French are fully vaccinated

While the Covid-19 epidemic is slightly resurging, over 50 million French are now fully vaccinated, namely 74.2% of the population.
Covid : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées indiquent une reprise de l'épidémie Covid : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées indiquent une reprise de l'épidémie Covid : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées indiquent une reprise de l'épidémie Covid : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées indiquent une reprise de l'épidémie

Covid: traces of the virus found in wastewater show the epidemic is resurging

Since the beginning of the epidemic, wastewater has been a Covid-19 epidemic indicator. The Obépine network has found traces of the virus over the past weeks, as the data are slightly increasing again.
Coronavirus : deux millions de morts "très probables" selon l'OMSCoronavirus : deux millions de morts "très probables" selon l'OMSCoronavirus : deux millions de morts "très probables" selon l'OMSCoronavirus : deux millions de morts "très probables" selon l'OMS

Coronavirus: the world totals 5 million deaths as of November 1, 2021

Covid has killed 5 million people, two years after it first broke out in China. According to the WHO, it could be two to three times higher than officially reported.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Covid: the pandemic is "far from finished", the WHO's Emergency Committee claims

As the Covid-19 pandemic is slowing down in many countries thanks to vaccination, this Tuesday October 26, the WHO's Emergency Committee claims the pandemic is "far from finished".
Pass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortir

Health Pass: the Scientific Committee's two recommendations to get out of the woods

As France is starting another months of restrictions because of the Covid-19 epidemic, the issue about keep the health pass in the long or medium run is on the executive's agenda. This Thursday October 7, 2021, the Scientific Committee addressed two different scenarios for a "quick and even immediate exit" or a "delayed exit" between November 15 and the end of the year. Keep reading to find out more.
Covid :Covid :Covid :Covid :

Covid: What if France could prevent the fifth wave?

Will France be hit by a fifth covid wave? As back in early September the Institut Pasteur explained in a study it would be “hard to prevent”, this early October 2021, epidemiologists sound more optimistic. Keep reading to find out more!
Coronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprises

Covid: 74% of employees wish to dith facemask-wearing within companies

As facemask-wearing is to be lifted for people in places subject to the health pass, Labor Minister reminds employees from these places are not involved in this softening. "Facemask-wearing remain the rule in companies", the Minister insists on. A source of frustration for employees, as 74% of them are for the end of facemask-wearing within companies, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey released this October 4, 2021.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid: Sanofi stops trials on their mRNA vaccine

This Tuesday September 28, Sanofi has announced they are halting clinical trials as for Covid mRNA vaccine as developed by American biotech Translate Bio, saying it is too late to reach the market. Yet, the vaccine was promising according to the study's preliminary results.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Coronavirus: where does the virus spread the most in France?

Although France is experiencing an improvement in the coronavirus epidemic, all departments are not equal amid the health crisis. So, where does the virus still spread the most?
Visuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse Pinault

Coronavirus: how could the health pass be eased off?

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the government met this Wednesday September 22 for a Defense Council. On the agenda: likely easing of the health pass. Although it is not to happen anytime soon, Emmanuel Macron yet asked for more criteria to determine a future easing of the pass. How could it be eased off, then?
Covid : 50.000 morts évités grâce à la vaccination depuis le 1er janvier 2021, selon une étudeCovid : 50.000 morts évités grâce à la vaccination depuis le 1er janvier 2021, selon une étudeCovid : 50.000 morts évités grâce à la vaccination depuis le 1er janvier 2021, selon une étudeCovid : 50.000 morts évités grâce à la vaccination depuis le 1er janvier 2021, selon une étude

Covid: pandemic to end in the second semester of 2022, according to Moderna CEO

Thanks to enough doses to vaccinate “all the inhabitants in the world”, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, considers the Covid-19 pandemic will be over in a year, in the second semester of 2022.
Kimpton St Honoré Paris, terrasse panoramiqueKimpton St Honoré Paris, terrasse panoramiqueKimpton St Honoré Paris, terrasse panoramiqueKimpton St Honoré Paris, terrasse panoramique

Coronavirus: health pass soon to be no longer needed outside and on terraces?

As France is experiencing an improvement in the coronavirus epidemic, the government is said to be about to ease some measures. Among the leads considered, the end of the health pass in outdoor places including terraces of bars, cafés and restaurants.
Visuel Paris Opéra Montmartre ciel grisVisuel Paris Opéra Montmartre ciel grisVisuel Paris Opéra Montmartre ciel grisVisuel Paris Opéra Montmartre ciel gris

Covid: health pass, mask-wearing at school, the government's statements following the Defense Council

The French government met this Wednesday September 22, 2021 for a Defense Council to address easing some restrictions. Health pass, school health protocol, and gauges, here is more on the statements made by government spokesman Gabriel Attal.
Covid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembreCovid : la vaccination obligatoire pour les gendarmes à partir du 15 septembre

Covid: the vaccine definitely working against the Delta variant, a new CDC study found

According to a CDC study, vaccines marketed are really effective to prevent severe Covid, even when it comes to the Delta variant. They add unvaccinated people are eleven times more likely to die of the disease than people vaccinated.
Covid : les mesures renforcées décidées en mars commencent à faire effet selon l'INSERM (A REVOIR)Covid : les mesures renforcées décidées en mars commencent à faire effet selon l'INSERM (A REVOIR)Covid : les mesures renforcées décidées en mars commencent à faire effet selon l'INSERM (A REVOIR)Covid : les mesures renforcées décidées en mars commencent à faire effet selon l'INSERM (A REVOIR)

Covid: “superhuman” immunity in some individuals, several studies found

According to several studies – including one released in renown Science magazine – some Covid sick have developed an immune response that “appears to be impressively potent”. Antibodies able to fight very effectively against coronavirus and its variants, as well as against future strains of the virus.