"Spring for the planet" the ecological challenges of JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr

Published by ContenuOffert · Published on April 1, 2024 at 02:59 p.m.
Throughout the month of April, take part in the 2nd edition of Printemps pour la planète (Springtime for the Planet): a nationwide campaign that takes concrete, positive action for our planet and its inhabitants.

On the initiative of JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr, the public volunteering platform, and in partnership with the Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme, discover thousands of volunteer actions to mobilize around ecological challenges in every region of France.

How to get involved as a volunteer?

Nothing could be simpler: go to JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr, choose the mission that's right for you, as close to home as possible or from a distance, for as long as you like, and make a real difference to the preservation of our ecosystem. That's the strength of JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr: to enable massive mobilization across the country, where and when it's needed.

5 key themes for concrete actions that make a difference! Thousands of entries are expected. To help future volunteers choose the causes that resonate with them, as strongly as the call of nature, the proposed missions are grouped around 4 areas of action:

1/ Spring clean-up

Waste collection, #NoPlasticChallenge, volunteers from all over the region get ready to clean up our natural environment.

2/ Awareness-raising and mobilizationactions around the challenges of tomorrow's world: round-table discussions, stand animations, awareness-raising actions in a school: volunteer missions to speak out and inform about the challenges and their solutions.

3/ Gardening with sleeves rolled up: volunteers are invited to plant shared gardens, plant flowers, enjoy the right to beauty, and even plant urban vegetable patches.

4/ Boots on, binoculars in the nose, support the animal cause : volunteer missions to care for living creatures, feathered, furred, scaled, wild or domesticated.

5/ Take action for better consumption: from bicycle repair to anti-food wastage actions, volunteers are mobilizing for a sustainable and healthy future.

Campaign highlights

  • 💥 The campaign kicks off on April 1, and we're counting on you to say it loud and clear wherever you can! The launches are decisive!
  • 🎥 April 18 at 12:30pm, webinar "Acting for ecology: why does it matter?" with the Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme, testimonials from associations and volunteers, and ADEME (registration link)
  • 🥳 April 22, Earth Day and Fresque du bénévolat écologique at La Cité fertile (Pantin)
  • 🎥 Video reports with 1 déchet par jour (depollution) and Graines urbaines (soil preparation and sowing) (to be viewed on Youtube and on our networks)
  • 📝 A quiz to find your volunteer mission for the planet (link)
  • 💪 Challenges for the JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr community
  • 🗣️ Tout du long: feedback from volunteers and associations to help you really take action

"The aim of this operation is to make as many people as possible aware of the hundreds of actions that can be taken to protect the planet, through volunteer involvement. It also brings its share of gentleness, energy and, above all, the desire to act together." Amina Sagou, in charge of national mobilization operations for JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr

About JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr 📌 JeVeuxAider.gouv.fr is the public volunteering platform proposed by the Civic Reserve. It connects those who want to act in the general interest with associations, public players and local authorities in need of volunteers. Together, let's bring to life the commitment of #ChacunPourTous.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
On April 1, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


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