Bastille Day on July 14th 2024 in Seine-et-Marne (77): fire department balls and popular festivals

Published by Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis · Photos by My de Sortiraparis · Published on July 11, 2024 at 02:05 a.m.
Seine-et-Marne celebrates July 14th! To celebrate France's national holiday, a number of fire departments' balls and bals populaires await us in the 77 département. Click here for the program!

Every year on July 14th, a festive wind blows across France. In the Paris region, we don't intend to miss the ball, and in the four corners of the Île-de-France region, fireworks are blazing, military parades are in full swing, and the French are getting into the spirit of the traditional celebrations of this date which commemorates both the storming of the Bastille and the Fête de la Fédération.

As party-goers well know, one of the highlights of the Fête Nationale in France are the fêtes populaires, which take us on a wild ride into the night. One of the iconic traditions of July 14th can be found in the barracks, some of which host firemen's balls. A chance to party alongside these everyday heroes until the wee hours of the morning.

So what's on the agenda for the Fête Nationale 2024 in Seine-et-Marne? We'll take you on a tour of the fire departments' balls and popular festivals taking place in the 77 département between July 12, 13 and 14, 2024. All you need to do is stock up on good tips and have the time of your life for the Fête Nationale!

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Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From July 12, 2024 to July 14, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.