What will change on October 1, 2024: Parking, speed, gas, APL, pensions...

Published by My de Sortiraparis, Caroline de Sortiraparis · Published on September 30, 2024 at 08:55 a.m.
October 1, 2024 marks a number of changes in Paris and the Île-de-France region. The speed limit on the Paris ring road is reduced to 50 km/h, SUV parking rates are tripled, APLs are increased and small pensions are revalued. Other changes concern gas, the usury rate, and the opening of train ticket sales for Christmas.

It'sOctober 2024! And we might as well tell you right away that October has a number of changes in store for us, including gas rates, housing subsidies, speed limits on the ring road and pension increases. A whole range of regulatory and legislative updates are in the pipeline. Here's a list of the changes that will affect your daily life.

Reducing speed on the Paris ring road

From October 1, the speed limit on certain sections of the Paris ring road will be reduced from 70 km/h to 50 km/h. This measure, decided by Paris City Hall, is designed to reduce noise for local residents. The reduction could cut night-time noise by 2 to 3 decibels, but has aroused considerable opposition, notably from the Île-de-France region.

Tripling of parking charges for SUVs in Paris

SUV drivers will now have to pay more to park in the capital. From October 1, parking charges for vehicles over 1.6 tons will triple. In the first 11 arrondissements, the hourly cost rises to €18, while in the other arrondissements it drops to €12. Paris residents and light hybrid vehicles are not affected.

Revaluation of APL

The Aides Personnalisées au Logement (APL) will increase by 3.26% on October 1, 2024, in response to rising rents. This increase is applied automatically to beneficiaries via the CAF or MSA, with no further action required.

Increase in small pensions

From October 1, around 850,000 pensioners will see their pensions increased by €50.94 per month. This measure is designed to improve the purchasing power of small pensions, particularly those from fragmented or interrupted careers.

Benchmark gas price increase

The benchmark gas price rises again in October after a fall in September. The average price per kWh for heating rose from €0.10 to €0.11, directly impacting contracts indexed to this price. By contrast, the subscription price remains unchanged.

End of the high school and college scholarship campaign

The deadline for applying for a lycée or collège scholarship is October 17, 2024. The families concerned will be able to receive between €114 and €495 for a middle school student, and up to €1,008 for a high school student, depending on their income.

Christmas train ticket sales open

From October 2, 2024, SNCF will be putting train tickets on sale for the festive season. Passengers will be able to book their journeys for the period from December 20, 2024 to January 6, 2025 on TGV Inoui, Ouigo and Intercités trains.

Increase in usury rate for mortgages

The Banque de France has announced an increase in the usury rate, facilitating access to mortgages despite rising interest rates. This measure is in response to demand from brokers, and is intended to unblock the many loan applications that have been turned down in recent months.

Pink October

October also sees the return of Pink October, a national campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer screening. This worldwide movement takes place every October to raise awareness of breast cancer prevention and screening. In Paris, this event takes on a special dimension with numerous initiatives aimed at informing the public, supporting research and encouraging women to adopt preventive behaviors.

Launch of the influenza and Covid-19 vaccination campaign

The vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19 begins on October 15 for the elderly and those at risk. This double vaccination will be available throughout mainland France and in the French overseas territories. It is primarily aimed at people aged 65 and over, individuals aged 6 months and over with co-morbidities that increase their risk of developing a severe form of the disease (such as complicated hypertension, chronic heart disease, cancer, etc.), immunocompromised people, pregnant women, and residents of Ehpad and long-term care units (USLD).

Registration launched for €100 Navigo Imagine R refund for high school students

From October 1, 2024, the application for a 100 euro refund from the Ile-de-France region opens on the Labaz app. Reimbursements will be made from mid-November 2024. 100 euros of the 382.40 euros cost of the Navigo Imagine R pass will be reimbursed.

Finally, don't forget the time change at the end of October. The winter time change takes place every year on the last Sunday in October. In 2024, it will take place on the night of October 26 to 27. At 3 a.m., the clocks will have to go back one hour, to return to 2 a.m.. This marks the end of daylight saving time and the return to standard time, offering an extra hour's sleep, but resulting in shorter days and an earlier sunset.

In short, this month ofOctober 2024 brings its share of major changes that impact daily life in Paris and France, whether in terms of parking, APLs, pensions or the Paris ring road. A month of transition to keep an eye on.

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