Jack Black, Christopher "Doc Brown" Lloyd and Lizzo, three well-known and beloved names in pop culture, reunite in Episode 6 of Season 3 of The Mandalorian, available this Wednesday, April 5 on Disney+.
As Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze search for the exiled Mandalorians to unite the people, the duo arrives on a colorful planet where yet another side quest awaits them. On the program, police investigation and violent droids! It is especially the occasion for our heroes to meet several amusing characters. The planet Plazir-15 is a place of lust where only droids work, but also a democracy ruled by a couple of absurd characters, played by Jack Black (currently starring in Super Mario Bros, as Bowser) and the singer Lizzo .
On their way, the two Mandalorians will also cross paths with a zany engineer played by Christopher Lloyd, the unforgettable Doc Brown from Back to the Future. All these appearances, coupled with the episode's zany atmosphere and visuals, make it a rather unique chapter in this up-and-down season.
It still doesn't advance theschmilblick and the plot is solved too easily to be really interesting, but this sixth chapter has at least the merit to amuse us, with a rather referenced universe (it seems to be a mix between Cowboy Bebop and CSI) .
We keep on believing and hoping that this season will finally tell something, but we'd better hurry up, only two episodes left before the end! And we'll see you next Wednesday for the penultimate one.
Star Wars - The Mandalorian: season 3 is over, check out our episode by episode reviews!
Star Wars fans, mark your calendars! The Mandalorian returns for a third season on Disney+ starting March 1, 2023. And without further ado, here's the trailer as well as our reviews of each episode! [Read more]