Agra, directed by Kanu Behl, is an Indian comedy-drama presented in the Quinzaine des Cinéastes at the Cannes Film Festival 2023. The film features Guru, a young man in his twenties working in a call center in Agra, who is madly in love with his colleague Mala. Still living with his parents, their house is divided into two parts, with Guru and his mother on the first floor and his father and mistress upstairs.
When Guru announces his intention to marry Mala and make the terrace his future bedroom, promised by his mother to their cousin to open a dental clinic, family tensions erupt. Frustrations, fissures and family hatreds come to light, reflecting the problems of a patriarchal Indian society marked by multiple taboos.
Agra explores the challenges faced by young Indians in a complex social and family context, offering a unique perspective on love, relationships and aspirations in contemporary Indian society.
Agra 's selection at the Quinzaine des Cinéastes is a testament to the film's quality and originality, as well as to the diversity of programming at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival.