The iconic animated series Futurama, created by Matt Groening, is set to make a remarkable comeback with the announcement of two new seasons. Hulu, the streaming platform, has announced that it has ordered seasons 13 and 14 of the cult series, which will air from 2025. This news comes after the resounding success of the eleventh season, which will air in summer 2023, rekindling fans' enthusiasm for the futuristic and humorous adventures of Fry, Leela, Bender and the entire eccentric cast. In France, the series continues to captivate audiences on Disney+.
Futurama 's revival on Hulu has seen the series regain its special place in the hearts of sci-fi and humor fans. The eleventh season explored contemporary themes such as Covid vaccination, bitcoin culture, and cancel culture through its quirky narrative features. The next two seasons, each comprising ten episodes, promise to follow suit, with plots as inventive and satirical as ever.
The announcement from trade publication Deadline confirms that the twelfth season of Futurama, already announced some time ago, will arrive in 2024, setting the scene for seasons 13 and 14. These new seasons should continue to explore the complex and often hilarious character dynamics, including the developing relationship between Fry and Leela. With this new salvo of episodes, Futurama establishes itself as an enduring and influential series in the world of adult animation, captivating a global audience thanks to its broadcast on international platforms such as Disney+ in France.