Let's Talk About Chun is a Taiwanese romance/comedy series with a touch of drama, available on Netflix from February 2, 2024. The series, consisting of 8 episodes, follows the life of Chu Ai (played by Chan Tzu-hsuan), the youngest daughter of a complex family, navigating between her career as a wax therapist and her passion for sex education on social networks. Chu Ai, known for her mantra "make love, don't fall in love", has an unconventional relationship with Ping-ke (played by Kai Ko), a character who shares her skepticism about love.
The series also explores the life of Chu Ai's older sister, Chu Wei (played by Kimi Hsia), facing challenges in her marriage to Shi-chieh (played by Umin Boya). Chu Ai's brother, Yu-sen (played by JC Lin), faces his own crisis after the end of a long-term relationship. The parents' characters, played by Miao Ke-li and Hong Sheng-te, add a further dimension of family complexity.
The central synopsis of Let's Talk About Chun focuses on Chu Ai, who, while managing her sex vlog channel, must navigate the murky waters of her own relationships and desires. The series offers a refreshing, no-holds-barred look at the themes of love, sex and relationships in contemporary Taiwan.
With a talented cast and captivating story, Let's Talk About Chun promises to be a must-see series for fans of romantic drama, combining humor, emotion and reflections on the modern dynamics of love and family relationships.
Netflix in February 2024: new films and series
In this month of February, we're trying to keep busy as best we can despite the cold... And for Netflix subscribers, there's good news: they'll be able to discover the SVOD platform's new films and series. Dr House, The Minions, Violent Night... We take a look at the release schedule! [Read more]New films and series on streaming platforms in December 2024
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