The mini-series One Day, from the UK, is a captivating adaptation of the best-selling novel by David Nicholls. Available on Netflix from February 8, 2024, the series stars Ambika Mod asEmma Morley and Leo Woodall as Dexter Mayhew.
The story begins on July 15, 1988, at their graduation party, where Emma and Dexter speak to each other for the first time. They go their separate ways the very next day, but the series focuses on the same day, July 15, every year for twenty years. This unique format allows viewers to see how Emma and Dexter change, evolve, grow closer, grow apart, and experience moments of joy and sadness over the years.
The series explores in depth the themes of love, friendship, life choices and personal growth. It shows how relationships can change over time, influenced by life experiences, successes and trials.
Un Jour stands out for its innovative storytelling, where each episode is an annual window into the lives of these two characters, offering viewers an intimate glimpse into their joys, sorrows, successes and failures. This approach allows for a detailed exploration of the characters and their development over a long period of time.
This dramatic and romantic series is perfect for those looking for a rich and moving love story, told in an original and captivating way. One Day promises to be a memorable television experience, exploring the complexity of human relationships and the impact of time on emotional bonds.
Netflix in February 2024: new films and series
In this month of February, we're trying to keep busy as best we can despite the cold... And for Netflix subscribers, there's good news: they'll be able to discover the SVOD platform's new films and series. Dr House, The Minions, Violent Night... We take a look at the release schedule! [Read more]New films and series on streaming platforms in December 2024
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