The live-action adaptation of the legendary Nicky Larson manga , which has sold over 50 million copies in Japan, lands on Netflix with a scheduled release date of April 25, 2024. This adaptation, categorized as action, comedy and crime, plunges viewers into the fast-paced adventures of Nicky Larson, Shinjuku's top mob cleaner.
Nicky Larson is played by Ryohei Suzuki, an actor renowned for his ability to bring complex, charismatic characters to life. Alongside Suzuki, Misato Morita takes on the role of Laura Marconi, forming a dynamic duo at the heart of this humorous, action-packed adventure. The cast also includes names such as Masanobu Andô, Asuka Hanamura, Fumino Kimura, and Isao Hashizume, adding to the richness of the film's universe.
The synopsis takes us to the depths of Shinjuku, where Nicky Larson, a private detective and sniper, unwillingly joins forces with his former partner's sister to solve his mysterious death. Between seduction, humor and action, Larson reveals the dark underbelly of the Tokyo underworld, promising an adaptation faithful to the spirit of the original manga.
This live-action adaptation is a unique opportunity for fans of the manga to rediscover the adventures of their hero in a new format. Nicky Larson on Netflix promises an immersive experience in the underworld of Shinjuku, combining action, humor and intrigue in contemporary Tokyo.
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