Mon Oni à Moi, Studio Colorido's latest animated masterpiece, takes us on a fantastic journey between a shy young boy and a bold oni. Directed by Tomotaka Shibayama, this fantastic youth film promises to amaze with its vibrant visuals and touching story offriendship and self-discovery. Available exclusively on Netflix, this film is an invitation to explore a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary.
The story centers on Hiiragi, a first-year high school student in Yamagata prefecture, who finds it hard to say no to others, even to his own detriment. Despite his efforts to please, Hiiragi has no real friends and often feels isolated. His life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Tsumugi, an energetic oni who is searching for her mother in the human world. Tsumugi, impulsive and free-spirited, is everything Hiiragi is not. Together, they embark on a journey that will transform not only their friendship, but also their understanding of the world and themselves.
Mon Oni à Moi is aimed primarily at young viewers, but will also captivate adults thanks to itsuniversal themes and meticulous direction. The film stands out for its fresh approach to traditional Japanese culture, integrating fantastical elements to create a captivating tale of friendship and acceptance. The collaboration between Tomotaka Shibayama and Yûko Kakihara, combined with Masafumi Yokota's character design, guarantees that this film will be a visual and narrative delight.
Mon Oni à Moi is set to capture hearts with its moving story and stunning visuals. Exploring the complexity of human relationshipsthrough the prism of fantasy, this animated film is a significant addition to the Netflix catalog. Prepare to be transported to a world where friendship can overcome even the strangest differences. Don't miss this magical adventure, available from May 24, 2024.
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