Yo Gabba GabbaLand! is the new animated series following on from the worldwide success of Yo Gabba Gabba! The series, aimed at children and their families, blends learning with entertainment. Airing on Apple TV+ from August 9, 2024, it promises to enchant young and old alike with its beloved characters: Muno, Foofa, Plex, Brobee and Toodee, and introduces Kammy Kam, a new magician. Yo Gabba Gabba! is a true cultural phenomenon, having won a Daytime Emmy Award and accumulated over 1.2 billion views on YouTube.
In Yo Gabba GabbaLand! the characters live in a colorful, musical universe where each episode is an educational adventure. Children and their parents are invited to dance, sing and learn together. Each character, from Muno to Kammy Kam, plays a unique role in teaching key stages of early childhood, such as conflict resolution, learning colors and shapes, and developing motor skills.
This series is ideal for families with young children. Building on the winning formula of Yo Gabba Gabba!, Yo Gabba GabbaLand! is distinguished by its playful approach to education, incorporating popular music and captivating visuals. Parents who grew up with Sesame Street or Dora the Explorer will find this series a great new educational resource. If you enjoyed these classics of educational animation, Yo Gabba GabbaLand! is sure to capture the interest of you and your children.
Yo Gabba GabbaLand! is an animated series that promises to delight and educate children while entertaining the whole family. Blending music, magic and learning, it continues the legacy of Yo Gabba Gabba! with rich, engaging content. Don't miss this new adventure from August 9, 2024 on Apple TV+.
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