The Penguins of Madagascar are back in an explosive animated film by Simon J. Smith and Eric Darnell. In this spin-off of the famous Madagascar franchise, the four mischievous penguins of the Central Park Zoo reveal an unexpected facet of their personality: they are in fact secret agents ready to do anything to defend the world from the worst threats. This thrillingly funny film will appeal to young and old alike. Featuring the French voices of Xavier Fagnon, Tom McGrath and Gilles Morvan, this delirious adventure plunges viewers into a world of danger and espionage, where our penguin heroes join forces with the mysterious North Wind agency to confront their greatest enemy: Doctor Octavius.
The Penguins of Madagascar will be available on Netflix from November 16, 2024.
Synopsis: You thought you knew the Penguins of Madagascar? But the four brothers are hiding a big secret. They're actually... secret agents! To save the world from the terrible Doctor Octavius, the penguins will have to join forces with the posh North Wind organization, led by the superb husky with the secret name.
The Penguins of Madagascar is an animated comedy ideal for young audiences aged 6 and upwards, while retaining touches of humor and suspense that will keep parents laughing. Fans of the Madagascar saga and animated films such as Despicable Me will appreciate this light-hearted yet dynamic story, where the absurd humor of penguins meets the mysterious world of spies. The film combines the spirit of parody and the world of animation to captivate fans of family comedies and cartoon spy films alike.
Secondary characters, such as North Wind's husky, enrich the cast with amusing scenes, offering a touch of originality to this adventure. However, those who prefer more down-to-earth tales may find this spin-off a little extravagant.
The original voice of Skipper, the leader of the gang, is provided by Tom McGrath, co-creator of the Madagascar franchise, while the French dubbing calls on well-known talents such as Xavier Fagnon. Originally released in 2014, the film features the penguins in their own storyline, far removed from their adventures in Africa. The quality of the animation, combined with chase scenes and gadgets worthy of the best spy films, make this an ideal piece of entertainment to enjoy with the whole family.
The Penguins of Madagascar offers pure family entertainment. The famous penguins, with their offbeat humor and unlikely spy skills, promise to delight viewers with an adventure as funny as it is dynamic. An ideal opportunity for Madagascar fans to rediscover these characters from a new angle, in a mission filled with adventure.
Our review of Penguins of Madagascar:
First of all, a clarification, because if you can, really, go for the original version with subtitles! It's John Malkovich who lends his voice to the evil octopus, and he's hilarious!
So, the Penguins turned spies, how's it going? Well, it's pretty funny! Parodying basic spy films by multiplying the big machines and technological gadgets and setting the action in places as diverse as the ice floe, Venice and China, the Penguins of Madagascar film pokes fun at Hollywood and its annoying tendency to overdo it. To play down the whole thing, the villains are ill-suited to the role of villains (the octopus doesn't quite master his communication while laughing devilishly), and the good guys aren't so rosy, the Penguins being much more risk-taking fat cats than brightly smiling heroes.
It's funny, yes, it's a successful spin-off, but the whole thing lacks grace and inventiveness. There's a whiff of reheating about the whole film... But children, if they enjoyed Madagascar, will certainly find it satisfying; and it's true that we laughed heartily several times. All in all, not a bad film, especially for a light-hearted family Christmas outing!
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