Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, Madagascar is ananimatedadventure comedy that left its mark on the 2000s. The film follows the adventures of a lion, a zebra, a giraffe and a hippopotamus who, accompanied by penguins as cunning as they are crazy, escape their daily lives as stars of the Central Park Zoo to find themselves on the exotic island of Madagascar. Between laughter and adventures, they discover a wild world, where their instincts resurface and the jungle holds many surprises.
Madagascar will be broadcast on Netflix from November 16, 2024 and is already available on Prime Video and Max.
Synopsis: When a lion, a zebra, a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a handful of psychotic penguins flee their New York zoo to rescue one of their own, the adventure begins. And when fate brings them together on the island of Madagascar, they have to learn the rudiments of life in the open air in a crash course.
Madagascar is a film that appeals to young audiences aged 6 and over, while offering humor that's accessible to adults and parents alike. The adventure scenes, endearing characters and cult retorts make it an ideal choice for a family evening out. Those who enjoy animated films such as Shrek or Ice Age will find Madagascar a successful blend of comedy, quirky characters and outrageous situations. The film may seem light-hearted for viewers looking for more complex plots, but for fans of playful adventures and hilarious situations, it promises a moment of relaxation and good humor.
The first film in the successful saga, Madagascar laid the foundations for a world that was both exotic and offbeat, with iconic characters such as the penguins, who went on to have their own spin-off series and film. Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath's colorful, dynamic directing style, and the actors' talent for bringing the characters to life, have made Madagascar a classic of animated cinema.
With its endearing characters, cross-generational humor and original universe, Madagascar promises ideal entertainment for animation fans and families alike. This film is a must-see for those who love light, colorful adventures punctuated by gags and unforgettable characters.
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