Hogwarts Legacy is full of surprises and easter eggs! Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, ghost ballroom, tickle pear to enter the kitchens... So many little things from the Harry Potter books and films to delight long-time fans! And among these surprises is the Sinistros, known to fans of the saga for its mention in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
But first of all, who (or what) is Sinistros? It's an omen of death in the form of a dog, which Harry encounters several times in the third volume of his adventures. A dog that turns out not to be Sinistros, but Sirius Black in hisAnimagus form. While it's not possible to meet Sirius Black in dog form (since he was born a century later, giving way here to his great-great-grandfather, Phineas Nigellus Black), it is possible to meet Sinistros (the real thing) in the game. He's even a known enemy to defeat, among those scattered across the map.
Where can you find Sinistros in Hogwarts Legacy? Sinistros is located west of Pont-Désir, south of Hogwarts. And you'll need to get close to it for the enemy to be identifiable on the map. Once you've located Sinistros, enter the cave. You'll come across him in the company of a pack of wolves, including a white wolf, also one of the known enemies to kill. Note that a few inferi will also be present...
To defeat him, nothing too tricky: simply use your spells, concentrating on offensive spells. When we met him, he was level 30, but his level can vary according to yours. So attack him if you're sure you're going to get the better of him. The reward is wolf fur.
Now all you have to do is flush him out... At your controls!