Calling all Christine and The Queens fans! The French artist – in the limelight since 2014 since the release of her first album “Chaleur Humaine” – is back! But careful, Christine and The Queens is back as Redcar. The writer-composer-performer is to release her new album this November 11, called “Redcar les adorables étoiles”. It features single “Je te vois enfin”:
And whoever says new project and new album says concerts! Christine and the Queens – or Redcar – will present her new tracks for these two exclusive shows at Paris Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione this fall. Save the dates: come and discover Redcar on Wednesday November 9 and Thursday 10, 2022. On the menu? An “exclusive show serving poetry”, the press release reads.
For the record, the shows were initially planned on September 22 and 23, 2022. But during rehearsals, the artist got injured whilst dancing. Redcar had no other choice than postponing the two Paris shows. Tickets for September 22 are valid for November 9th, and for September 23 for November 10th show. People who cannot go to the new dates can be reimbursed at their points of sale.
Are you looking forward to meeting Christine and the Queens live in Paris? Let us meet on November 9 and 10, at the Cirque d’Hiver to discover her under her new stage name: Redcar!
Dates and Opening Time
From November 9, 2022 to November 10, 2022
Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione
110 rue Amelot
75011 Paris 11
Official website