News covid guide - activities

Fury Room ParisFury Room ParisFury Room ParisFury Room Paris

Paris Fury Room to let off steam

Feel like on the verge of breaking it all? Head to the Fury Room that reopened this past May 12 to let off steam without having to clean everything up after. Such a good idea in Paris!
Variant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la France

Variant Delta: everything you need to know about this covid strain threatening France

Its quick spread in France worries everyone: variant Delta might cause a fourth epidemic wave in France. In Gers, two people died of Covid-19 and variant Delta. Keep reading to find out more about this threat.
Paris en zone d'alerte maximale : pas de fermeture pour les théâtres, les cinémas et les muséesParis en zone d'alerte maximale : pas de fermeture pour les théâtres, les cinémas et les muséesParis en zone d'alerte maximale : pas de fermeture pour les théâtres, les cinémas et les muséesParis en zone d'alerte maximale : pas de fermeture pour les théâtres, les cinémas et les musées

Movie theaters: popcorn allowed again

The lockdown exit scheme keeps on going and health protocols are adapted: viewer gauges moved to 65% on June 9th and popcorn is once again allowed within screening rooms.
Covid : bientôt des chiens renifleurs pour détecter le Coronavirus en Île-de-France ?Covid : bientôt des chiens renifleurs pour détecter le Coronavirus en Île-de-France ?Covid : bientôt des chiens renifleurs pour détecter le Coronavirus en Île-de-France ?Covid : bientôt des chiens renifleurs pour détecter le Coronavirus en Île-de-France ?

Covid: sniffer dogs soon to be used in nursing homes to detect coronavirus?

What if sniffer dogs were the solution to help and detect Covid-19 positive cases? According to Ouest-France, these four-legged animals might enable to make family visits easier in nursing homes.
Visuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre grisVisuel Paris Montmartre gris

Covid: “The variant Delta will take over” in France, Alain Fischer thinks

There are more and more concerns as for the spread of the variant Delta in the country. According to professor Alain Fischer, the “Indian variant will take over, it is clear, as it has in Great Britain”. This is what stated the Head of the Vaccinal Strategy Orientation Board this Friday morning on LCI.
Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ?

Coronavirus: variant Delta to dominate in the European Union by the end of August?

As the epidemic situation is improving in France, the spread of the variant Delta (ex-Indian) might cause a fourth wave. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, it might be dominant in the European Union by the end of August.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Covid: “There is a variant Delta-related threat” in France, Gabriel Attal thinks

Faced with the spread of the variant Delta, called “Indian”, in France, “we must be very cautious”, Gabriel Attal thinks. This Wednesday June 23, 2021, invited on BFMTV, the government spokesman admitted there “is a variant Delta-related threat” in the country.
Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?

Health pass: where is it compulsory in France?

While the Parliament ultimately voted for the implementation of a health pass starting from June 9 to curb the Covid-19 epidemic, the government adds released a decree the day before, on Tuesday June 8, the official list of places this pass will be compulsory in starting from this day forth. Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?

Covid: standing concerts to resume from June 30 in France, Bachelot announces

Standing concerts will resume in France starting from June 30, 2021, Minister for Culture Roselyne Bachelot announced in a press brief held this Monday June 21, 2021 on the occasion of Make Music Day.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

93% of French departments below the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

As the vaccination campaign in France advances, the fight against the coronavirus epidemic continues. As of Wednesday June 16, 2021, there are 93 départements with an incidence rate of less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Here are the areas where the virus circulates least in France.
Visuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de VilleVisuel Paris Hotel de Ville

Coronavirus: development of the (Indian) Delta variant in France, Olivier Véran urges caution

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the India variant keeps on developing. Renamed Delta variant, it remains in minority although its spread is worrying specifically because of the situation in the United Kingdom. French Health Minister Olivier Véran urges caution.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Covid: Jean Castex announces the end of mandatory outdoor masks in Paris

With the Covid-19 vaccination campaign well underway, when will people be able to remove their masks outdoors? On Wednesday June 16, 2021, Jean Castex announced that it would no longer be compulsory to wear a mask outdoors from the following day, while the curfew will be lifted on Sunday June 20, 2021.
Visuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuit

Lockdown exit: end of curfew and compulsory facemask-wearing in France

In compliance with the government's lockdown exit plan, curfew is to be moved twice in May and June, before being fully lifted at the beginning of summer. French are allowed to be out until late as curfew is moved to 11 p.m. since Wednesday June 9. But this Wednesday June 16, 2021 Prime Minister Jean Castex announced curfew ultimately comes to a close this Sunday June 20 everywhere in France, and the obligation of wearing a mask outside is no longer valid starting this Thursday June 17 given the good results of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.
Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris

Covid: how much do PCR tests cost in EU countries?

To return from their trips abroad, French have had to show a negative PCR less than 72 hours old, if not vaccinated. Travelers must then be tested in the countries they went to and sometimes have the bad surprise to see PCR tests can be charged in Europe.
Coronavirus : les anticorps neutralisants protégeraient d'une réinfection selon une étudeCoronavirus : les anticorps neutralisants protégeraient d'une réinfection selon une étudeCoronavirus : les anticorps neutralisants protégeraient d'une réinfection selon une étudeCoronavirus : les anticorps neutralisants protégeraient d'une réinfection selon une étude

Covid: immunity longer and stronger in people infected

Several studies released in May 2021 confirm Covid-19 infection gives stronger immunity likely to last for several years. Injecting the vaccine could enable to strengthen the positive effects against the virus.
Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro

Curfew from 11 p.m.: the new derogatory trip certificate to download or print

As France enters the third lockdown exit step, curfew moves to 11 p.m. The easing of this measure leads to a new version of the derogatory trip certificate. Here is where you can find it, dowload it digitally or print it out.
Covid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce VéranCovid: la vaccination des 18-55 ans atteints de maladies chroniques s'ouvre ce samedi, annonce Véran

Covid: Snubbed, AstraZeneca vaccine moved from 50% to less than 1% of injections performed

AstraZeneca vaccine has been one of the vaccines the most used at the beginning of the vaccination campaign in France. In June 2021, it is snubbed by an overwhelming majority of French people. Worrying side effects, regulations, delivery issues, here is more about the upsetting story of AstraZeneca in France.
Covid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca bientôt administré par les pharmaciensCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca bientôt administré par les pharmaciensCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca bientôt administré par les pharmaciensCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca bientôt administré par les pharmaciens

Covid: occupational health doctors can order Moderna vaccine doses online

After GPs and pharmacists, occupational health doctors are now allowed to order Moderna vaccine doses online, the French Department of Labor announced this June 9th.
Covid : voyager entre la France et les pays européens, les possibles mesures de contrôle attenduesCovid : voyager entre la France et les pays européens, les possibles mesures de contrôle attenduesCovid : voyager entre la France et les pays européens, les possibles mesures de contrôle attenduesCovid : voyager entre la France et les pays européens, les possibles mesures de contrôle attendues

Covid: vaccinated EU travelers allowed to enter France PCR test-free, from June 9

As more and more Europeans have been given the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine, French Minister Jean-Baptiste Djebbari stated this June 4, 2021 in Cnews that vaccinated Europeans can enter France without needing a PCR test starting from June, 9th.
Covid : la vaccination des plus de 75 ans commence dès fin janvier promet Olivier VéranCovid : la vaccination des plus de 75 ans commence dès fin janvier promet Olivier VéranCovid : la vaccination des plus de 75 ans commence dès fin janvier promet Olivier VéranCovid : la vaccination des plus de 75 ans commence dès fin janvier promet Olivier Véran

Covid: “If the wave does not come [to Fall], we could say Covid is over”

This Sunday June 6, Health Minister Olivier Véran was happy on BFMTV set where he announced the progressive lockdown exit is coming along nicely. According to the minister, the virus will continue to decline, moving from 5,000 new cases per day to 2,000 cases, but the war will be won if there is no wave in November-December.