President emmanuel macron - activities

Covid :Covid :Covid :Covid :

Covid: a national tribute to the victims of the pandemic is underway

According to France Inter, the French government is preparing a national homage to Covid victims. It might take place in March 2022.
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Covid: is the health pass an alternative to lockdown and shutting down non-necessary places?

Health pass or lockdown? As France is faced with the fourth coronavirus epidemic wave, French President Emmanuel Macron claims: generalizing the precious door opener is an alternative to shutting down non-necessary places.
Coronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24hCoronavirus : Chronodose, un outil pour trouver son vaccin dans les 24h

Fake health pass or vaccine certificate: what are the risks and penalties in case of a fraud?

As the health pass is extended to many public places and Covid screen tests are to be charged soon, some are going on a quest for fake vaccine certificates or negative PCR tests to get a fraudulent health pass. What are the risks and penalties fraudsters are exposing themselves to?
Visuel Paris Notre DameVisuel Paris Notre DameVisuel Paris Notre DameVisuel Paris Notre Dame

Lockdown exit: Emmanuel Macron’s four-step plan

How is the government’s lockdown exit plan? While we are waiting for Emmanuel Macron’s statements expected in the regional press, here is what seems to be planned according to information revealed this Thursday April 29, 2021.
Laho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de Lyon

Lockdown exit: terraces to reopen from May 19, 2021

After restaurants, bars, and cafés closed for months because of the coronavirus epidemic, estimations for reopening date have been raised again, incited by the acceleration of the vaccination campaign and the hope to see the health situation improve by the summer 2021. During a meeting held with mayors this April 27, Emmanuel Macron is said to have confirmed all terraces are to reopen from mid-May 2021 everywhere in France. According to Europe 1, they could reopen from May 19, 2021. This news could be confirmed this Friday April 30, 2021 by Macron's statements expected in the regional press.
Visuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue paris

Covid: restaurants, museums, bars, movie theaters, gyms... to reopen from mid-May?

As cultural life is almost at a standstill for months, and that restaurants, gyms, bars, places of nightlife are closed for even longer, Emmanuel Macron has just given hope to the French: in his address on March 31, the French President announced the reopening agenda of all these places will start on May 15, 2021.
Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :

Coronavirus: “It’s too soon” to speak about “local re-containments” Macron belives

The day after the curfew has been extended to the two third of the French population, French president Macron did not sweep away the hypothesis of a local re-containment, even though he believes it is still “too soon”, to speak about “local or larger re-containments”.
Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron

Coronavirus: France has “never been out of masks” Macron says

In a long interview with BFM TV that aired this Monday May 18, French President Emmanuel Macron returned on the State’s responsibility about the supply of masks in France. He says France has “never been out of mask” slightly admitting “there were masks”.
Réforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreur

Health system reform: Macron acknowledges an error

Visiting the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron has acknowledged the government “undoubtedly made an error in the strategy announced” as for the health system reform