Prime minister jean castex - activities

Visuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de Matignon

Prime Minister: Michel Barnier appointed to Matignon by Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has finally named a new Prime Minister: Michel Barnier, a member of the Les Républicains party, will take up residence at the Hôtel de Matignon. He will be responsible for forming the next government.
Visuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuit

Covid: curfew ends in France

This is now official, the end of curfew from 11 p.m. - initially expected to end on June 30 - is moved to Sunday June 20, 2021. Starting from this Sunday, French are allowed to get out by night without derogatory trip certificate. Outdoor facemask-wearing is no longer mandatory starting from Thursday June 17, 2021.
Felicità, le restaurant XXL de Station F by Big Mamma, les photosFelicità, le restaurant XXL de Station F by Big Mamma, les photosFelicità, le restaurant XXL de Station F by Big Mamma, les photosFelicità, le restaurant XXL de Station F by Big Mamma, les photos

Restaurants and cafés to reopen from June 9, 2021: under what conditions?

In France, the reopening of restaurants is highly awaited. As terraces have been able to reopen (despite the rather bad weather) from May 19, cafés and restaurants can reopen to welcome patrons again indoors starting from June 9, 2021. Let us discover the conditions of this reopening.
Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective"

Terraces reopening: Castex calls for “collective discipline”

The day following the official reopening of terraces that caused a lot of enthusiasm and freedom everywhere in France, the Prime Minister reminds it is still necessary to comply with the rules in our “collective interest”.
Covid : "Nous sommes enfin en train de sortir durablement de cette crise sanitaire", affirme CastexCovid : "Nous sommes enfin en train de sortir durablement de cette crise sanitaire", affirme CastexCovid : "Nous sommes enfin en train de sortir durablement de cette crise sanitaire", affirme CastexCovid : "Nous sommes enfin en train de sortir durablement de cette crise sanitaire", affirme Castex

Covid: “We finally are on the way out of this health crisis on a lasting basis”, Castex claims

This Monday May 10, 2021, French Prime Minister Jean Castex shared his feelings as for the evolution of the health situation in France and the progressive reopening calendar announced almost a month ago. Although he prefers to remain cautious, Castex speaks about a close crisis exit, with a good trend in the Covid-19 epidemic markers, declining for several days.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

National deconfinement but local braking measures announced by Emmanuel Macron

In an interview with the regional press, President Emmanuel Macron detailed the decontamination plan. While restrictions will ultimately be lifted nationwide, curbs will be applied locally in the event of an epidemic outbreak.
Visuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la Tournelle

Lockdown exit: Hotel restaurants to reopen from May 19 only to guests

After closing for months, hotel restaurants can reopen from May 19, 2021 but first "only to their guests", State Secretary for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne says.
Covid : plus question de parler de "l'après-crise" pour Castex et le gouvernementCovid : plus question de parler de "l'après-crise" pour Castex et le gouvernementCovid : plus question de parler de "l'après-crise" pour Castex et le gouvernementCovid : plus question de parler de "l'après-crise" pour Castex et le gouvernement

Covid: Castex and the government do not consider speaking about the “after-crisis”

As major decisions about lockdown in the hardest-hit regions in France are to be announced this Thursday March 18, 2021 by Prime Minister Jean Castex, backstage, the government is preparing the after-crisis, and anticipates reopening plans and progressive lockdown exit. Yet, the chief of the majority has given one clear guideline to ministers: no longer talk about the “after crisis” to prevent French from slackening and prevent reinforcing confusion.
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Coronavirus: "Variants have become standard in France", Olivier Véran says

In France, the UK coronavirus variant keeps on spreading in France and even dominates the historic strain. It is now found in almost 60% of coronavirus cases in the country and dominates in 57 mainland departments. According to Health Minister Olivier Véran, "variants have become standard in France".
Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre

Coronavirus: museums to reopen earlier than expected in France?

Are museums to reopen earlier than expected? This Thursday February 4, 2021 Prime Minister Jean Castex said Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot was currently working on an anticipated reopening of circulating cultural places.
Covid : "Le confinement à 18h commence à produire ses effets" selon Olivier VéranCovid : "Le confinement à 18h commence à produire ses effets" selon Olivier VéranCovid : "Le confinement à 18h commence à produire ses effets" selon Olivier VéranCovid : "Le confinement à 18h commence à produire ses effets" selon Olivier Véran

Covid: Olivier Véran hopes to be able to “prevent” a new epidemic wave

In an interview with JDD, French Health Minister Olivier Véran explains the reasons that encouraged the government not to put the country back into lockdown.
Covid : pendant les fêtes, les Français se sontCovid : pendant les fêtes, les Français se sontCovid : pendant les fêtes, les Français se sontCovid : pendant les fêtes, les Français se sont

Covid: The French “behaved well” during the Holidays, Jean Castex thinks

A few days prior to the Holiday fallout, Prime Minister Jean Castex intended to hail the French’s behaviors and how well they complied with the health restrictions during the Holidays and on New Year’s Eve.
Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?

Coronavirus: curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in 9 French cities, detailed measure

To try and halt the increase of many new coronavirus cases in France, Emmanuel Macron has announced the implementation of a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in Paris, Ile-de-France and 9 other French cities. It is now Jean Castex's turn to give details as for the new measure on Thursday October 15, 2020.
Coronavirus : Jean Castex demande aux Français de limiter le nombre de personnes reçues à domicileCoronavirus : Jean Castex demande aux Français de limiter le nombre de personnes reçues à domicileCoronavirus : Jean Castex demande aux Français de limiter le nombre de personnes reçues à domicileCoronavirus : Jean Castex demande aux Français de limiter le nombre de personnes reçues à domicile

Coronavirus: Jean Castex asks French people to limit the number of people coming over to their houses

Prime Minister Jean Castex calls to everyone’s responsibility and asks French people to limit the number of people coming over to their houses amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Le plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du Coronavirus

Cabinet reshuffle: new Prime Minister Jean Castex’s priorities

Recently named Edouard Philippe’s successor as Prime Minister, Jean Castex has shared his goals and priorities in an interview with the JDD. Ecology, reform of pensions, and even Ségur de la Santé, Mister Deconfinement tells everything.