Seine saint denis

Le parc Kellerman, bijou de verdure dans le 13e arrondissement  - image00001Le parc Kellerman, bijou de verdure dans le 13e arrondissement  - image00001Le parc Kellerman, bijou de verdure dans le 13e arrondissement  - image00001Le parc Kellerman, bijou de verdure dans le 13e arrondissement  - image00001

Le Grand Chemin: a green walkway between Paris, Les Lilas, Bagnolet and Montreuil

The Promenade des hauteurs changes its name to the Grand Chemin. Work has just begun on this 55-kilometre green loop project, designed to green eastern Paris between Paris, Montreuil, Bagnolet, Les Lilas, Fontenay-sous-Bois and Rosny-sous-Bois.
hotel pleyelhotel pleyelhotel pleyelhotel pleyel

The Tour Pleyel is transformed into a 4-star hotel with panoramic pool in Saint-Denis

The Tour Pleyel has been given a facelift, and in spring 2024 will be transformed into a 4-star hotel, with a panoramic swimming pool and almost 700 rooms, perfect for welcoming tourists in time for the Paris Olympic Games!

Néandertal at the Théâtre Gérard Philippe: A Journey to the Heart of Our Origins

From February 28 to March 11, 2024, the Théâtre Gérard Philippe in Saint-Denis will host the innovative play 'Néandertal', a theatrical exploration of the mysteries of our DNA and our shared past.
Cinéma le Méliès à MontreuilCinéma le Méliès à MontreuilCinéma le Méliès à MontreuilCinéma le Méliès à Montreuil

Montreuil Film Festival 2023, at Le Méliès cinema: dates and program

Cinema le Méliès hosts the 11th edition of the Montreuil Film Festival from September 27 to October 3, 2023.
L'Odyssée, la grande fête dédiée à l'eau sur la Seine, les quais et les canauxL'Odyssée, la grande fête dédiée à l'eau sur la Seine, les quais et les canauxL'Odyssée, la grande fête dédiée à l'eau sur la Seine, les quais et les canauxL'Odyssée, la grande fête dédiée à l'eau sur la Seine, les quais et les canaux

L'Odyssée, the great nautical festival dedicated to water on the Seine, quays and canals

This year, the Odyssey celebrates the Seine and water during a major multi-day festival, from September 13 to 17, 2023, throughout Greater Paris, featuring floating concerts, guinguettes and floating object races!
Prime alimentairePrime alimentairePrime alimentairePrime alimentaire

Inflation: food vouchers are finally off the table ... Except in Seine-Saint-Denis!

The government's food subsidy was intended to tackle rising prices, but has now been postponed indefinitely ... Except in Seine-Saint-Denis, where the scheme is due to be tested from the 1st quarter of 2024. At stake: financial aid of €50 per person per month for 6 months, aimed at recipients of minimum social benefits, especially students, pregnant women and young mothers!
Le Parc forestier de la Poudrerie à Sevran - image00011Le Parc forestier de la Poudrerie à Sevran - image00011Le Parc forestier de la Poudrerie à Sevran - image00011Le Parc forestier de la Poudrerie à Sevran - image00011

Parc de la Poudrerie, a listed green nugget in Sevran (93)

Fifteen kilometers from the Bassin de la Villette, along the Canal de l'Ourcq, lies a lovely 137-hectare forest park in the Seine-Saint-Denis municipalities of Livry-Gargan, Villepinte, Sevran and Vaujours. Combining remnants of the area's industrial past with immense tree-lined avenues, it's one of the green spaces not to be missed for a bike ride, family outing or jogging session... in the 93.
EMBARGO Paris 2024 : Parc Georges Valbon, écrans géants et terrains sportifs pendant les JeuxEMBARGO Paris 2024 : Parc Georges Valbon, écrans géants et terrains sportifs pendant les JeuxEMBARGO Paris 2024 : Parc Georges Valbon, écrans géants et terrains sportifs pendant les JeuxEMBARGO Paris 2024 : Parc Georges Valbon, écrans géants et terrains sportifs pendant les Jeux

Paris 2024: Parc Georges Valbon, sports activities and free celebration venue in La Courneuve

As the central department in the hosting of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Seine-Saint-Denis will be transforming La Courneuve's Georges Valbon Park into a veritable celebration space, complete with giant screens, sports fields and a panoramic tower!
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Weather: Paris and inner suburbs placed on drought alert

Île-de-France is subject to drought! Paris and the communes of Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne are under drought alert this week.
Chasse aux oeufs et aux déchetsChasse aux oeufs et aux déchetsChasse aux oeufs et aux déchetsChasse aux oeufs et aux déchets

A green Easter egg hunt 2023 in Saint-Denis (93)

From April 8 to 10, 2023, we celebrate Easter, and with them, we go to collect the eggs that the bells and rabbits have deposited in many places in Ile-de-France all weekend.
Cinéma : Les Labos Éclair d'Épinay-sur-Seine exceptionnellement ouverts au publicCinéma : Les Labos Éclair d'Épinay-sur-Seine exceptionnellement ouverts au publicCinéma : Les Labos Éclair d'Épinay-sur-Seine exceptionnellement ouverts au publicCinéma : Les Labos Éclair d'Épinay-sur-Seine exceptionnellement ouverts au public

Heritage Day 2022 at the heart of the Éclair Laboratories renovation project in Épinay-sur-Seine

The disused Éclair Laboratories in Épinay-sur-Seine, currently being restored, will be exceptionally open to the public for the Journées du Patrimoine (Heritage Days) on September 17, 2022. These former film studios will host a free art trail throughout the open evening.
Montmartre - Paris - sacré cœurMontmartre - Paris - sacré cœurMontmartre - Paris - sacré cœurMontmartre - Paris - sacré cœur

Covid-19: Outdoor areas requiring facemask-wearing or not in Île-de-France

While France is faced with a rise in coronavirus cases, in Île-de-France, the Omicron variant dominates. Yet, outdoor facemask-wearing is halted in several departments, and rules are being generalized throughout the region.
Réveillon du Nouvel an 2020 sur les Champs Élysées, spectacle sur l'Arc de Triomphe à ParisRéveillon du Nouvel an 2020 sur les Champs Élysées, spectacle sur l'Arc de Triomphe à ParisRéveillon du Nouvel an 2020 sur les Champs Élysées, spectacle sur l'Arc de Triomphe à ParisRéveillon du Nouvel an 2020 sur les Champs Élysées, spectacle sur l'Arc de Triomphe à Paris

New Year 2022 in Paris and Île-de-France: more on restrictions and measures

As the French are about to celebrate the New Year 2022 with the coronavirus epidemic still in the background, restrictions have been instated, especially in Paris and Île-de-France. Here is everything you need to know on Friday December 31, 2021.
Visuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la Tournelle

Nuit Blanche 2021: night show at Parc Georges Valbon

For Nuit Blanche 2021, a not-to-be-missed event on Saturday October 2, the Parc départemental Georges-Valbon in Seine-Saint-Denis is offering a free nocturnal show that's both celestial and participatory.
14 juillet 2021 : les bals des pompiers annulés à Paris et en petite couronne pour la seconde fois14 juillet 2021 : les bals des pompiers annulés à Paris et en petite couronne pour la seconde fois14 juillet 2021 : les bals des pompiers annulés à Paris et en petite couronne pour la seconde fois14 juillet 2021 : les bals des pompiers annulés à Paris et en petite couronne pour la seconde fois

July 14, 2021: firemen's balls cancelled in Paris and the inner suburbs for the second time

It is unfortunately confirmed... Due to the health crisis, the Paris Fire Brigade will not organize dances on July 13 and 14, 2021 in the capital and in the inner suburbs, as they traditionally do every summer for the national holiday.
Visuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parcVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parcVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parcVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc

Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France: the region's incidence rate drops again

After peaking because of the public holidays and spring break, the coronavirus epidemic-related incidence rate has been decreasing again for several days in a row in Ile-de-France. Is the situation getting better in the Paris area?
Mieux Vivre Ensemble, la grande collecte solidaire au Stade de FranceMieux Vivre Ensemble, la grande collecte solidaire au Stade de FranceMieux Vivre Ensemble, la grande collecte solidaire au Stade de FranceMieux Vivre Ensemble, la grande collecte solidaire au Stade de France

Stade de France vaccination hub: slots available for Moderna vaccine

A major vaccine hub is opening this Tuesday April 6, 2021 within the Stade de France aiming at vaccinating 10,000 people per week. Games scheduled in April are maintained, both activities being fully compatible. Even though Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine slots have been stormed, many slots are still available for Moderna vaccine injections.
Covid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étranger

Covid: all the vaccination hubs to open soon in Paris and Île-de-France

Vaccination hubs, mega vaccination centers, XXL vaccination centers… You name it, but they are about to crop up all over the place in the coming weeks in France to improve the pace of the vaccination campaign. Here are all the vaccination hubs already open or about to do so in Paris and Île-de-France.
Visuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toits

Covid: incidence rate of over 400 in Île-de-France, containment this week?

Despite the progression of the coronavirus epidemic, Île-de-France has escaped weekend confinement until now. But as the region's incidence rate passed the decisive milestone of 400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants this Monday, March 15, 2021, Paris and all Ile-de-France residents could find themselves confined again as early as this week.
Coronavirus: jauge réduite dans les universités en zones d'alerte renforcée et maximaleCoronavirus: jauge réduite dans les universités en zones d'alerte renforcée et maximaleCoronavirus: jauge réduite dans les universités en zones d'alerte renforcée et maximaleCoronavirus: jauge réduite dans les universités en zones d'alerte renforcée et maximale

Coronavirus: reduced gauge in universities, different from high schools, Blanquer says

As Paris and its inner suburbs are put on maximum alert zone since October 4 at night because of the worrying increase in coronavirus cases, on Tuesday October 6, 2020 National Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer addresses the reduction of the student guage in universities and the polemic as for junior high schools and high schools that are not on the same boat.